Somebody whispered referring to me by my middle name trying to wake me up
People are always calling me by some other name everyday
I get it ' so? There just Nick names ?' you may think but it's not that simple.dady and pops said I over think things because of my moma,she always was over thought things.which is probably why me and you have different perspectives of this whole name thing.
I fluttered my lids and instantly met eyes with my beautiful father.even tho he was in his 30s the nigga look like he's only 18..
Me:why you wake me up?
I asked confused to why he had a big kool-aid smile plastered across his face
Daddy:go downstairs and see
I then got up and did as told ,but secretly I was silently praying that it was an iPhone,money or Evan a New baby chimpanzee named bubbles waiting downstairs for me.
I finally touched the bottom step and quickly scurried in the living room wanting to see what he had for me.I entered the living room to see a boy and a girl.they looked just alike which instantly told me they were twins.
The boy had his hair in a bun like how uncle ray hair is .he had on a big diamond earring in his ear.I could tell he was atleast 5'11.he had on a 'U.S.A' white,blue,and red polo shirt with some black robin jeans.and he had on a white armoni extange belt.but I almost forgot he had on the New Jordan's that just hit stores about a week ago.I must admit......this nigga was ballin
The girl was really pretty.she had long straight hair with honeydew blowed highlights hazelnut eyes and lip gloss on.she had on an emoji jumpsuit that contained the heart eye emoji,wet emoji and the crown and tounge emoji.and let's not forget she had on the new Jordan's too but hers wear pink and black.now I can't lie this bitch was fly..
And both of them had the same skin color as dady
Me:papí who are they???where is bubbles?no iPhone no money?
He then looked at me with those eyes which told me he was gonna slap the shit out of me
Me:lol just playing dady!
I then started fake laughing loud but I stopped when he still stared at me
Me:soo um daddy I'm gonna write you a poem and sit it on your dresser
He didn't stop eye raping me so I just stop focusing on him and on the 2 teens infront of me.I walked up to the both of them shaking there hands
Me:wassup I'm Kaliya lashae Lopez-perez who are y'all
I asked with a fake ass smile,I wasn't the least bit interested who they where.....but my curiosity name is sharkieasha and she was beating my ass..
The girl spoke first but she stood up with a fake ass smile shaking my hand back
Girl:wassup I'm Emily briya Jackson-perez
Did this hoe just say perez!!! Who tf does she think she is.....you know what fuck her!
Then the boy stood up and licked his lips at me but I know damn sure daddy didn't see shit...
Boy:we'll I'm edwin Bryan Jackson-perez
He then shook my hand but rubbing it in the process with his thumb.I then let go of his hand and wiped it on my pants..
I then chuckled awkwardly and looked back at daddy
Me:dad......who are they?
Daddy:(sighs) your brother and sister
Damn.....Me having siblings I don't know about?...the struggle must be real........

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...