it's over......I-I lost the case they found a video of me killing detective Johnson but how the hell did I kill him I don't remember .I was sentenced to only 2 months because the judge knew my dad and he knew I was a sweet girl and if I killed the detective then it was a valid reason.I have on a Orange jump suit and white socks white hair is still in it's bun but I wiped my make up off.I look ahead as the officers lead me to my cell with my hands and feet chained soon as I related the long path way with multiple cells I was scared.I'm entering the women's side of l.a jail
???????:aye officer let me out of HERE!!!(pulling jail bars)
???????:HOW OLD YOU IS BABY!!!!
?????:HELP ME!!!!
??????:GOOD LUCK UGLY BITCH!!!!!!!
?????:OH SO U THANk U CUTE!!!!!
is all I heard the rest was loud uproars.but they was basically saying the sane thing.we then finally made it to MY cell.the officer unlocked the cell and threw me in in the floor and locked the cell back.I then got on the top bunk but I got off when I seen a yellow spot on the cover knowing it was piss.
I then sat on the bottom bunk and shut my eyes just thinking then I opened them to see a girl with a silky ponytail on her head and she looked very formiliar
?????:who tf are you bitch!!
me:well bitch I'm lucky(stands up)now who tf are you-
ive been and august for 3 months.i was with cresanto playing the x-box but then cierra came in the room
ciera:kierra mom said come here
me:ok,cresanto pause the game ill be right back
cresanto:okay but dont take too long
i then left the room with ciera and my niieve gullible 10 year old self believe everything everyone said
ciera:mom is in my room
i then went into the room and looked around for ms.august but seen nobody and i was curious to why
me:where is she i dont see her
ciera:she said take off your clothes
ciera:mom told me to tell you ,to take off your clothes and listen to what i tell you to do and dont say nothing or she will take you back to the foster home
at the time i was 10 and she was 13 so i consider her a big kid so i had no choice but to listen because my mother and father raised me to respect my elders and listen to people older than me because they know what there talking about
i then took off my clothes but at this stage in my life i hit puperty so i was growing boobs and butt and my body was figuring to curves and body,i could have sworn i heard her whisper a "damn"
ciera:lay down
i then did as i was told and watched as ciera undressed,she had big purky boobs and a big butt and matching thighs that i also developed over the years.then she propped my legs up and starting entering and exiting my pussy with her tongue and then she started to nimble on my coochie lips and it kinda tickled and then she layed next to me
me:do the same thing i did to you,to me
i then followed her demand and demonstrated what she did to me in an identical way and till this day i thank god she shaved .i then did something that i wish i didn't do,i lifted my head up
me:can we stop now i dont like thi-(gco)
i was cut off by the impact her hand had on my left cheek .she then grabed a knife from out her night stand drawer and pressed it against the back of my neck between my neck and head
cierra:lift your head up again and i will kill you
and i listed to what she said no matter how wrong i thought it was.she then got back between my legs and reached over to the night stand once again and i dreaded the thought of what she might take out,but what she took out, at the time was more of a mystery then trying to find out what 'thing 1' and 'thing 2' are supposed to be but as i grew i learned what proceed to me as a mystery was called a "dildo".after she took out the "mystery toy" and entered me with it as hard as she could not giving not one fuck in the world,hurting me emotionally and physical causing my virginity to be taken by a heartless girl,by force,or some may evan say by a toy all at the age of not 30 not 20 not evan 13 but dead inside,but after this sickening day....chresanto,my best friend,the only person i can talk to was mad at me for a month.
I was plucked out of my flash by my irra ass cell mate but then I looked at her closely.and it was no other than.......cierra
cierra: u just said lucky?
me:hell yeah hoe it's me.......kierra now move before I beat yo ass
cierra:yo SLUT ass know damn well if you was my bitch once I could make you my bitch aga-

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...