it's been 5 months since my trip to the's Saturday .and I'm doing great!
me:chresanto come here!
he comes out of the kitchen with a bag of Doritos and stand infront of me
chresanto:yesss bae?
he said with his mouth full of the crunchy snack do you feel about adopting......
he then stared into my eyes and I made sure to make them look like bambi's to dodge the possibility of him saying something negative of the idea
chresanto:it depends on how old you want them to be..
me:I was thinking somebody kaliya age or older
chresanto:what gender?
he then made a Face that showed me he was thinking
chresanto:I'm ok with it
I then jumped on him and covered his face with kisses and collapsed his ears with thank yous
chresanto:why choose now to want to adopt
I dug in my pocket and took at the note kierra left me and handed it to chres.he unfolded it and read it.
he was done reading then he looked up at me and he was crying he then layed his head on my lap. i rubbed my hands thru his soft curls doing my best to sooth him.

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...