I checked my watch and it was 10:00am which means ahhsonna was at work.so i knocked on the door and a cute messy haired jacob answer
Jacob:hay baby i missed you
He then started kissing me and sucking on my lip then he stoped and led me too the couch and Sat me on his lap
Me:baby ain't i heavy im 4 months pregnant (giggle)
Me:jacob.....i have court in a month
Me:no...i didnt do it
Jacob:i believe you
Jacob:(wipe tear)bae why are u crying
Me:can we turn up before i have to go to court.....because you know...literally ANYTHING can happen
Jacob:(chuckle )yeah we can turn up

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...