me:omg I'll go get her
chresanto:no I will go get her just go sit down on the couch
me:no I got everything under-
I got cutoff by a big thump and me and chres almost instantly ran up the stairs.we got to my room and opened the door to see kaliya on the floor face red crying her little lungs out.I ran to her and picked her up.
me:see chres she fell out the bed because of you!
I then started to panic.when she fell out the bed she probably hit her head.she's probably retarded now.OMG she might have broke her bones.
me:omg chres she might be slow now!she might have fell on her head!!
chresanto then shut me up with a kiss after 10 sec he pulled away and grabbed kaliya who was still crying her heart out. he sat on the bed next to me and rocked her back and fourth.5 mins later she fast asleep in his big buff arms.he then walked to the nursery and gently layed her in her crib to avoid waking her up and her crying again.we then watched for about 5 sec then walked back in my room.
me:that was amazing chres
me:for a 16 year old you will be the perfect father
chresanto:thanks (kiss)
while we where kissing he started to rub on my thigh so I stoped him
me:naw nigga
I then pushed him and layed under the cover
me:does your momy know your over here
chresanto:yeah I told her I was gonna be over a friends house before she left
jacob:oh ok
he then layed on the side of me but there was something stuck on my mind since earlier and I just had to tell him
chresanto:yeah jacob...
jacob:I don't wanna be a bottom I want to be a top
chresanto:ok......well you can be the top
I was so realived when he said that I thought he was gonna make me be the bottom but I dout a 16 year old boy can make a 21 year old man do anything
what up so how y'all like this chappie please vote and comment and if y'all didn't know kaliya is 3 months old and she is in the mm

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...