I went in the kitchen to cook breakfast for my fleek daughter and my handsome boyfriend.I opened the fridge and started my "breakfast scavenger hunt".I scanned the fridge for the eggs but I couldn't spot them.
me:kaliya where are my eggs!?
I didn't hear her say anything ,so I tried again
me:kaliya lashae Lopez-perez !!!
this time my patience was running out.so I closed the fridge,stoped the sink faucet from running then exited the kitchen.I turned to the right passing the front door and where are shoes sit.I put my left foot on the first step and ran up the stairs to kaliya's room.I opened the door and she was in her room taking "selfies" in her full body mirror.her eyes squinted with a pose that I highly did not apriciate.her head was tilted to the side.her leg was sticking out just a little making her behind look bigger but she made sure she showed it with the middle finger and the duck lips to match.her hair stays perfected just as mine does .But what she was wearing was unexceptible....
she had on black shorts with a neon green crop top that says "just eat it" in black letteres with the tounge emoji,wet emoji,and heart eye emoji.
me:kaliya what tf do u have on!!
me:oh so you think I'm a joke....ok ima show you what's funny
I stormed out of her room and into mine.I searched the closet and found a big bag with black And gold designs on it.I opened it up and found the motherload.I knew this day would come but I was hoping sooner. I looked thru multiple belts to find the one that suits me
chresanto: what are you doing?
me:I'm finna fuck this little girl up!
chresanto:what she do?
me:croptop?shorts?disrespect? haha helllll no!!
I finally found the right one.it was a black thick belt that I never wore it still had the price tag on it so it wasn't worn out at all so I knew from that ,that this was gonna be the best ,first and hopefully the last ass whoopin she will ever get.I exited the room and went into the bathroom .I turned on the hot water and let the belt get soked before I presented myself to the confused teen that's probably still taking selfies unaware.I finally took the belt out the sink and turned off the foucet.I speed walked into her room and she didn't take her eyes off the mirror still taking selfies.
I then pulled my arm all the way back and
The belt hit her on the bare skin of her back that the crop top was showing.when the belt hit her she instantly started talking shit
kaliyas:daddy what are you doing!
It hit her arm
It hit her bare legs her shorts where showing
It Hit her hand
Kaliyas:ok daddy stop I'm sorry!!
She said thru tears with her skin red and hot with multiple whipps on her body.but ik she didn't get enough....I grabbed both of her arms but she tried to go behind me but I pulled her down to the ground and started to wack her again
Damn she made me hit myself!
POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! POW!! SWOOSHH.......POW!!!
I then thru the belt down on the ground
Me:now that's a joke....akikiki!
I then walked out the room and back into my room and layed on the bed.that was definitely a workout.chresanto was on the bed knocked out I then checked my watch and I've been whooping that girl for about 30 mins.
I then closed my eyes because I was tired.I then heard kaliya knock on my door
Me:come in
She then walked in with her pink micki mouse loose pajamas on with her bunny socks
Kaliya:dada can I lay with you and pops
I then shook my head yes
Me:of coarse baby girl...
She walked to the bed and crawled over chresanto and layed in the middle with her arms wrapped around me and her head on my chest
Kaliya:I love you daddy
She leaned up and pecked me on my lips which is something she hasn't done since she was 5
Me:I love you too lady bug.....
Hey hey fam!how did y'all like this chapter please vote and comment ❗❗❗❗

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...