I woke up feeling somebody sucking on my neck hella hard, which scared the shit out of me so my first instinct was to swing on the person and that's exactly what I did.my fist connected with the persons face and I instantly got up just incase they tried something .I seen the person was only Joshua, raped him with my sories and kisses because I knew how strong I was and I knew it wasn't too pretty too be reciving that punch.
me:is my big baby ok?
Joshua:yeah but I wont be doing that again
me:nah you could do it I promise I wont punch you this time (chuckle)
Joshua:ok...lay down first
me:hell nah nigga, I see baby josh tryna get freaky early in the A.M
josh:damn! you caught me
he then grabbed my hands rubbing up and down my arms
me: joshhy nooo I don't feel like it
I stated whining.....and no we have not had sex yet
Joshua:kayyy yess I feel like it
he said whining also
me;ok watch this you gone be mad asl ima punch yo ugly ass (chuckle)
he then rubbed up and down my back.I kissed him and stupid ass ended up successfully laying me on the bed with him between my legs. he began sucking on my neck causing me to moan a little.he pulled my shirt over my head and threw it to the other side of the room, exposing my stomach and zebra print bra. he began placing butterfly kisses over my stomach ,those innocent kisses soon turned into sucking.
I finally opened my eyes and turned my vision to his clock and it read 8:30 I then remembered...it was only Tuesday. I pushed him off of me then I got up and began to panic
Joshua: what's wrong bae why you panicking?
I ran in the bathroom and washed up in the sink quickly then I threw on my pink shirt with my black shorts with my hoodie that said 'im his -->' knowing joshy was gonna have his on that said 'im hers <--'
I grabbed my phone and other shit and walked out the door but then he stopped me
Joshua:kaliya maybe if you stop going so fast you will hear me
now come get on the bike
I got on the back of his bike standing on his stunt poles and we was on are way to school.

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...