We had sex.....on his couch.when he was done I pulled my clothes on and I speed walked out the door. And Jacob ran on the side of me with a concerned face.and stood infront of me and wrapped his arms around me and stared me in the eyes but of coarse I dodged his glare.
Jacob:what's wrong peace?was it something I said? or something I did?was it not good?
Me:jacob....do I seem like a hoe,and tell the truthii...
Jacob: tbh......no you don't seem like one.....and why would you think that
Me:because I fucked cierra and you and I almost fucked chres and I liked ray
Jacob:wait...what you mean u almost fucked chresanto......you was gonna cheat on me
Me:no its-(gco)
Jacob:how could you I thought you loved me
Me:jacob.....shut tf up how could you talk about "cheating" when news flash I'm 4 months pregnant with your child and oh let's not forget your wife ahhasonna Jackson but because she's married to yo broke ass its ahhsonna PEREZ so nigga you could move with all that bs tbh
Than I pushed him out the way and tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm

Fanfictionit's been 1 month since I've seen the horrid of a body laying on the ground in its own blood...... I was on the plane looking out the window at the clouds i would see ,jailed in my thoughts thinking about heaven and where is it if there is one...