The Feast

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You looked on at the massive meal that had been prepared for you and heaved a massive sigh. You appreciated it, certainly, but, well, it was a lot. It was funny. It had originally been your idea to make a big fancy meal to celebrate you and your boyfriends first anniversary together. He had latched onto the idea so much that he even volunteered to make it instead of you! You had thought it was a great idea, after all he had proven to you throughout your time together that he was quite the cook...

But as you looked down at your pants, tight around your belly, you wondered if perhaps he was a bit *too* good of a cook. While he may have been kind to you, the relationship was certainly not kind to your waistline or your slim figure, which had disappeared under a layer of soft fat. And now, looking back up at the meal prepared, you couldn't help but feel that tonight wouldn't help you shave off any pounds...

Before you laid a grand meal, fit for a queen. Atop the table spread were baskets of bread, buttered to perfection, fried potatoes, hunks of delicious meat, and well-seasoned corn. You can't but be flattered.

"What do you think?" he says, grinning from ear to ear, clearly pleased with his hard work

You smile back, slightly concerned. "It's wonderful! It's really wonderful! Uhhh... except..."

He raises an eyebrow on his chiseled face. "Except what?" He enquires

"Well... it seems like a lot of food for two people, don't you think?"

He laughs. "Nonsense. Not on our special day. Now come on, let's dig in. "

You shrug. Maybe he's right. At least there are sure to be leftovers. You shimmy into the chair opposite him. It's still a little awkward. You're still not quite used to your more plump and hefty figure that you've acquired over the past year.

He lets you take the first serving as you fill your platter with a little bit of everything before grabbing some of his own. You look forward to the plate of delicious food, soaking in the amazing smells. How about a bit of bread first?

You slowly sink the bread into your mouth. You stop. It's amazing, pure esctasy.

The flavor of the butter overwhelms you as you begin to shove the full slice into your mouth.

"Mmmmhhh..." You groan with the bread still in your mouth

"It's good?" He asks, smiling

You can only nod in response. You start to eat the rest of your food, tearing into everything with any utensil you have on hand, hands included. How could it be so good? You knew he was a good cook, but not *this* good! This was a whole new level.

You continue to shove in more and more with reckless abandon, losing any sense of ladylike manners in favor of fully immersing yourself in the delicious flavors. He only watches, smiling.

A thought crosses your mind. I'm full... I can't possibly eat any more. You know it's true, but you don't care. You continue to eat and eat, feeling your stomach grow more and more tight, stuffed to the brim with food. It presses and presses, completely overfull. You can feel your pants growing tighter, the button straining.

"Are you enjoying your meal?" He asks

Once more, you can only nod and let out a little "Mmph" in between bites. It's so good. So good... you feel your clothes growing tighter...


The button on your pants has gone undone. You immediately go red in horror at this. Your tight round belly, so filled with all this delicious food, has burst out and is now plopped down firmly on your lap. You can hardly contain your blushing, but the food is so good that you can't stop yourself from just going back.

What's happening to me, I'm turning into a pig...

Your boyfriend stands up and comes over to you. "Oh, I'm sorry, baby. You must be really full..." He says soothingly. You're confused for a second, but nod. "Shhh, it's alright," He says.

He takes his large, strong hands and begins to massage your swollen belly. "Maybe that was too much food..." He says softly. "Unless, of course..." He stops

"You want dessert"

And despite everything, you can only nod. He rushes over to the kitchen, bringing out a plate of pastries and contintinuing to deeply rub your big, overfull belly.

"You're probably too tired and full to eat these, though... that's okay. I'll feed you"

Your red blush turns a deep scarlet as he lifts up the pastries to your mouth. You open your soft, plump lips as, with one hand on your belly and one by your mouth, he slowly pushes the pastry in.

Your soft, overfed body lays panting, exerted at this. Pushing all this food down is the most excersise you've done in months. Your body has grown too soft and fat for anything else. And now, you realize that's all because of him.

"You're looking so good, you know," He says, still feeding you pastries as you whimper softly. He begins to grind against your thigh, your oh-so-chubbh thigh.

"My cooking has been doing good work," He adds, softly lining the curve of your belly with his finger. He grabs and jiggles your thigh, and it shakes, fat and heavy.

Another pastry goes in. You moan quietly. It's too much. No wonder you've let yourself get so big. Letting this man do it to you. And despite that, you can't help but feel intrigued. The pleasure of the food, his strong hands against your soft, overflowing flesh... you shudder

"Oh, you like that? Good, I like it too, " He says, rubbing your subtle double chin with his finger.

"This meal was only the beginning." He says. He shoves another pastry down as you chew and swallow, continuing to fill your rotund belly, well past its capacity.

"By the time you I are, you'll have forgotten what skinny means," He says. You tense. Finally, you whimper out the first words since beginning the meal...


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