Hooked on Gains

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(This story was requested by a follower. If you have any suggestions, feel free to include them in the comments below. This also contains pictures. I don't usually do pictures and probably won't do them again, but I've never been one to turn down a request! Enjoy)

You had always loved the feeling of stuffing yourself. It was your favorite sensation in the world, a belly full of food and drink... but you had always been careful of one thing: not to get fat. You may have been an avid foodie, a stuffer, or, less flatteringly, a glutton, but one thing that you certainly didn't want to be no matter what was obese. It was a difficult balance to maintain, but one that you were certainly up to the challenge of. 

Now, there were certainly pounds that slipped through cracks. How couldn't there be when you'd dedicated so much of your life to food? But it was never too much, never anything especially noticeable. If it was, you'd be able to lose it. You could be described as chubby at best, but it was also easily hidden under loosely fitting clothes. You would never, ever get fat.

That's what you told yourself until you met her, at least

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That's what you told yourself until you met her, at least.

You hit it off so well with one another. It seemed only natural. You loved eating, and she loved cooking. You two looked natural with one another. It wasn't long before the two of you were a pair. It seemed that you were smitten.

Little did you know what would happen to you next. It started incredibly innocent... a bit of prodding to eat more, a few passing words about how you definitely didn't need to work out today. Oh, and lots and lots of delicious meals that you simply couldn't turn down.

The relationship weight came on fast. Soon, you were walking around with a bit of extra chub and a heftier belly. There's no need to stress, though! Relationship weight happens all the time, right? Except, she didn't seem to be getting any bigger...

Enough of this! You think

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Enough of this! You think. You promised yourself that you would never get fat. And look where you are... a tubby belly and a pudgy body. You'd let yourself go. It was finally time to shape up and thin yourself back down.

But... you couldn't. The meals she'd make you, the dinners that she would order, it was simply overwhelming. Stuffing yourself to the brim with the delicious food was simply too enjoyable to pass up. Each day would end with you bloated and full, and you could feel time after time, as those calories slowly turned into fat, building up on your body, rounding you out.

If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was *trying* to make you fat.

That's when she told you. She explained about her fetish, something called "feederism." When you first heard about it, you could hardly believe your ears. And yet, in retrospect, so much made sense. All the meals, all the stuffing, all the pounds added to your once skinny body. You feel like you should be mad about it, but you simply can't. After all, it seems kinda... well...


At first, in your now officially inaugurated feeder-feedee relationship, you promised her that you would gain about 20 lbs or so. No less, no more. Just to test the concept out a bit.

It seems foolish in retrospect. With how much you loved food, of course, you blew right past your 20 lb "limit" before you knew what happened to you. What you had once dreaded had come to pass... you were fat. Not just chubby, not just tubby, not just a bit "round" but outright obese.

 Not just chubby, not just tubby, not just a bit "round" but outright obese

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Your massive belly now was the first thing that people noticed about you. Your feeder had done her work well. The strangest part? You actually began to enjoy it. The heft, the softness, the absolute density of your fat. Something in your mind had broken. Your enjoyment for food became inseparable from your enjoyment of the consequences, your newfound obesity.

And that was only the beginning. As soon as you realized how good it felt to surrender your body to fat, there was no going back. You only got bigger and bigger and bigger. Your stretchmark-laden belly swelled up like a balloon. Your entire body became coated in fat.

Gone are the days when you could hide the consequences of your stuffings under a loose-fitting garment

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Gone are the days when you could hide the consequences of your stuffings under a loose-fitting garment. Now, whatever you were, you remain looking the same: obese, overfed, and heavy. Perhaps you should have
predicted this. A girl who enjoys food as much as you couldn't stay skinny forever. You were bound for this path, and your girlfriend was only the catalyst. After all...

Eat too much, and you're bound to get fat.

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