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January - XS

You wake up in the morning and stretch your arms. It's a beautiful day, especially nice for a good, long run. You grab your brand new athletic leggings. You're delighted to see that they fit perfectly. It's a wonderful thing, it really is. You're so lucky to have your tight, petite body. It certainly draws heads on your run. Certainly, all the work that you put into it is hard and long, but the results are well worth all the trials that you endure, from salad in the morning to rigorous daily exercise. You slip into your shirt and sports bra and head out for a morning of sweat and exercise in the sun.

February - XS

It's been a couple of weeks since you met him, and since then, your life has been a whirl. Romantic dinners, dates at the movies, and long drives. It feels almost too perfect to be true, but he's the real deal. Tonight, you're going out again to a real fancy joint with all kinds of delicious hors d'oeuvres. You slip into your dress. It's a little tight around the middle, a little tighter than it used to be actually... oh well. You offhandedly dismiss it. It's probably no big deal. You excitedly rush out to the car for another night of love.

March - S

You were purging your old clothes. You don't know why, but they just didn't fit you anymore. Maybe it was the cheap laundry machine in your apartment. Yeah, that was probably it. Still, it hurt you to throw away such cute clothes. Your old skinny jeans, that beautiful red dress. But what were you supposed to do? After the last few days of desperate struggle in trying to wrangle them, there was no point in keeping them anymore. As you fold up the old dress, you feel a buzz in your pocket. You open your phone, a text from him!
"Hey, wanna get lunch later today? ❤️"

April - S

Today was an exciting day, one of the most exciting days of your life! You were finally moving in with your boyfriend! You could hardly contain your excitement when you threw your covers off and ran to your wardrobe. A special day calls for a special outfit! Aha! What about that super cute little skirt! Oh... but you suddenly remember that that skirt ripped the other day. That was so embarrassing! Well, maybe something a little more loose around the waist for the big day...

May - M

You threw away your jeans the other day. It was the last pair of clothes that you owned from before you met your boyfriend. It hurts to see it go, but it simply won't go around your waist anymore. It's weird. They used to be your loosest, flowiest pair... There's nothing to be done about it, though, and you have to just rip off the bandaid. After all, he's waiting in the car to take you to dinner. No more time to stress about those old jeans.

June - M

It's a beautiful day at the beach, and you're relaxing with the sun on your skin. You wore your best new bikini to the beach today. It was perfect, you couldn't believe what you had found! It fits perfectly! Well, it did pinch in a few places, but that was just a minor design flaw. And besides, it looked great! Everyone at the beach couldn't stop staring, no doubt admiring you. You lean up and see your boyfriend walking towards you with a cone of vanilla ice cream.
"I got it for you, babe," He says, handing it to you
"Ice cream? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to fatten me up!" You say
He smiles for a second before responding: "Aha, you're so funny, babe."

July - L

You savor the delicious flavor of the meal. It's so good... how does he do it? You want to compliment him, but you're too busy enjoying the food to even speak. Besides, he probably thinks the sexy blue dress and belt that wore are compliment enough. His wide-eyed stare and smirk certainly suggest so. You take a break from gorging to give him a flirty stare. You adjust in your seat. Creaakkk.. POP. Your belt buckle flies off.

August - L

After the embarrassing incident last month, you'd decided that it was high time to slow down a little bit, take a bit of a break from all the eating. Look where it has gotten you... No, now it was finally time you got your act together and got in shape. The first step of that? Knowing what shape you were even in in the first place. It had been months since you last checked a scale, and you knew you were heavier now than before. You took a deep breath and stepped onto the scale. It stopped for a second, calculating. It stated "210 lbs"

September - L

It had been a long month of dieting, but it was finally time to check in on your hard work. You couldn't wait to finally see a lower weight... it felt like you hadn't exercised that much since the beginning of the year. Of course, you had a cheat day now and again, especially when your boyfriend was cooking dinner... but that shouldn't have stopped your hard work from paying off. You stepped on the scale. It was a bit hard to see the number beneath the blubber of your belly... That's odd. That hadn't been the case the last time you weighed yourself. You lean over, met with the number 236.

October - XL

After the failed dieting debacle, you had given up on trying to lose weight. It seemed pointless. You loved food too much, and your boyfriend didn't seem to mind your body. Sometimes, you felt bad. But not bad enough to go back to the failed strategy of dieting. You dragged yourself out of bed. It was difficult, given how heavy you were. But you had to. Today, you'd be shopping for a new wardrobe to replace the old one.

November - XL

You groaned. The Turkey was delicious, the stuffing especially. Now, though, you felt like a stuffed Turkey yourself. The fabric of your Thanksgiving dress pulled and stressed at the size and swollen state of your belly and breasts. You'd already barely shoved yourself into it, and getting out would be even harder.
"Babe," you say. "I think we may have to go shopping again soon."

December - XXL

Returning for family Christmas dinner had been an ordeal and a half. First of all, finding a dress that even fits your swollen, fat body. You had barely squeezed your big ball of a belly into it, and now you felt like a sausage about to burst while walking around. That's not to mention the comments from your family. Sometimes it hurt, but you remembered that the only one you really wanted to please was your boyfriend, and he still loved your body, no matter how massive it was. The little rubs he was giving your overfed belly under the table were indication enough of that.

January - XXXL

You wake up in the morning and lay there for a second, almost pinned down by your belly. You can't see your toes over the big ball of fat in front of you. You can't remember the last time you did. You push yourself out of bed and walk to your closet. You find a cute pair of jeans. 3XL. They look wide enough to be a skinny girls blanket. You try to pull them up your thick legs and around your belly. You struggle and struggle, jumping, pushing, and grasping. But no matter how hard you try, it doesn't matter. They don't fit. They've been outgrown.

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