Double Chin

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I love every part of your body. You know that well. But no part is more beloved, more sensual than your double chin.

It came on slowly. Back when you were just a skinny little thing... you could probably never imagine growing so big that even your pretty face would slowly come to be engulfed in fat. And never once did you think that it would make that pretty face become all the better.

Those first weeks. It only ever came when you were looking down. When you were sleeping. Maybe when you were smiling at some delicious food that I had gotten for you.

But that food had its impacts, its consequences. The consequences started to come faster than you wanted, faster than you had prepared yourself for. Your whole body was swelling like a balloon, growing and growing from your own gluttony. But while your belly grew and your thighs fattened up, the only thing that really worried you was that chin.

I saw it, and I know you saw it too. The concerned glances in the mirror. The little bit of fat that you always carried around, that was always with you. That was when the diet talk started, when the idea came out that maybe things were getting out of control.

But you didn't let that stop you, did you? I certainly didn't. Instead of dieting, you kept eating. The double chin never shrank. Instead, every morning, you'd eat and eat and your ever-fattening face would get cute little dribbles of food on it. I would help you wipe them off, taking the opportunity to feel the soft, supple fat. That double chin would continue to swell up with fat, a mirror of your entire body.

Soon, your old face was buried, buried beneath a layer of fat, a consequence of your own greedy desires and my relentless feeding, just like the rest of your overstuffed body. Only this one is the best part. It's an eternal reminder.

The mark of my greedy pig.

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