Dear Feedee

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Dear Feedee,

I've heard whispers of your hesitation, your caution, your second guesses. And don't get me wrong... a little caution in life can't hurt. But you, you shouldn't let your caution define you. You've got a smart mind, good for thinking, but sometimes it convinces you of things that you don't want. I shouldn't get *too* fat. Maybe I should lose some weight. Maybe I should slow down my eating.

These thoughts aren't just you. The rest of society has raised a chorus of "concern" and a cacophony of caution. Your friends and family giving odd glances, society deeming you wrong. It's hard not to internalize this, not to look down at your swollen belly and see not a thing of beauty but of shame. Deep down, though, you know what you should do, what you desperately want.

You want to: Keep. Getting. Fatter. You weren't meant to be skinny. You were meant to be a greedy, hungry fatty. You were meant to swell up like a balloon. You were meant to have plush thighs wider than your old waist. You were meant to have overfull, heavy breasts. You were meant to have your neckline disappear in fat. You were meant to have a big, fat gut sticking out from you. You were meant to be weighed down by the excess plump, firm, stretchmark-laden fat of an obese belly.

Some girls are meant to be skinny. You aren't. You're meant to gluttony yourself in fatty foods and sugary drinks until your body reflects your gluttony. An empty head and a full stomach. That sounds ideal, doesn't it? Because the rest of the world is burdened by responsibilities and superfluous things, like dieting and stressing and worrying.

So listen not to the so-called concerns. Free yourself of these worries and stressors. Keep eating, keep growing, keep getting fatter and fatter. Feel your body swell and become more and more laden with soft, heavy fat. Feel your belly grow rounder and fuller by the day, a direct result of your greed and gluttony.

Surrender your body, surrender your mind to become temples of gluttony and excess. You know you want to. Keep stuffing your face, and fall asleep each night bloated and full. Leave your caution behind. Keep getting fatter.


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