Baby Weight

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Disclaimer: This story contains pregnancy. If that's not your thing, feel free to skip! This story was suggested by a follower. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know in the comments! :)

It started with some morning sickness and a slightly increased appetite. Then you took the test and confirmed what was already suspected at this point: you were pregnant.

Within a few weeks, you began to feel your once flat waist slowly gain a bit of curvature, to round out ever so subtly. Where once there had been nothing, now the child growing in your belly slowly took up more space. It still didn't look like much under your clothes, and you began to wear more loose garments, but the growth was undeniable.

But your belly wasn't the only thing that was growing. So was your appetite. It may have started with a few strange cravings, and small, arbitrary bouts of hunger had become a full, long desire for more food, more calories, more everything!

You initially held back. You'd heard a lot about baby weight... but on the 4th week, your cravings overtake you. It's too much. You completely submit to your hunger and binge. Your husband walks home to find you pinned down to the couch, your belly sticking out, and you surrounded by potato chip wrappers

The weeks go by, and your belly continues to grow. You try to hold back, but your binges become a regular habit. Soon, a week can't go by without you finding yourself wiped out, surrounded by the remains of junk food and totally, utterly full.

You convince yourself that it's all fine. After all, if your body is telling you that you need food, shouldn't you answer? You are pregnant after all, you're eating for two now. Maybe a little bit of extra baby weight isn't that bad after all. That's what you keep telling yourself anyway

A few months in, and people are starting to notice. They love to guess how far in you are. And yet, they all seem to guess too late. Third trimester? It's not that far yet! Why on earth would they think you were that far in? Could it be that your baby was growing too fast?

Well, the baby certainly was growing. You began to feel especially weighed down by your belly and the baby growing within it. You feel as the little kicks pester you.

One day, you're out eating with your friends. When the waiter comes over, you order an enormous meal. A large burger, a side of fries, a huge milkshake, an appetizer of onion rings, a soda, and some mini donuts with chocolate sauce for dessert When you finish ordering, your friend turns over to you.

"Isn't that a lot of food?"

You pat your distended, pregnant belly. "I'm eating for two now! I have to eat this much, for the baby of course"

"Mmhm..." she responds, looking slightly concerned.

By the time you're finished that night, you feel fuller than a water balloon about to burst. Your friends are all upbeat and chatty, but you just sit there, digesting, moaning softly in your fullness, feeling your belly, which is now weighed down by both your child and your meal

Eventually, you lumber up, embarrassingly having to ask for help, so heavy you feel. After you drive home that night, you feel the tightness of your belly. "Eating for two, eating for two, eating for two," you repeat to yourself.

When you look in the mirror, you're met with a display that has become more and more familiar each day with your new habits. A thick double chin, wide puffy arms, and thick thighs. But most of all, big, fat swollen breasts and an enormous, rounded belly that takes up inordinage amount of space. When you first got pregnant, you never expected it would get this far. Sure, your belly and breasts were meant to grow, but this much?

The months progress, and soon you actually are in your third trimester, but you look bigger than anyone in their third trimester is supposed to look. Your stretchmark-laden, obese belly is so dominant now that you can't stand up without leaning down. You keep eating, though. Ice cream, chocolate, donuts, fast food, anything that you have access to in your fridge. Anything that you can get your hands on.

Late in the pregnancy, feeling the fullness of another meal ("for the baby"), you think to yourself: has this gone too far? They call it "heavy with child," but you feel heavy with more than just a child, but with the consequences of your gluttony as well. Heavy with your own, self-induced obesity.

This little moment of lucidity doesn't last long. After all, you are eating for two.

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