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Your cheeks are round and rosy, usually full of food. They stick out past your face and have a chubby thickness to them. They sit atop a plump pair of lips, smothered in grease from constant overinduglence. Your tongue lacks them, their tastebuds and their cravings, the reason for your bloated state.

Below, your thick, billowing double chin. Well, maybe it was double a year ago. Nowadays, it's closer to triple, maybe quadruple. Your neckline has disappeared under a thick layer of soft and silky fat. Either way, it looks like your face is coated in fat. Your multiple chins heave up and down with each breath.

Below them, your breasts do the same. Once petite, your gluttony has made them enormous, enlarged, and swollen. Their many layers of fat swell up breath after breath, covering the part of you where once a collarbone was visible. Now, just flesh.

Your arms stick out from your sides, thick, pillowy, and soft. Back in the day, your arms looked like sticks. Now they look like overstuffed sausages. Speaking of sausages, your fingers, which greedy dig into a bag of potato chips, shoving the greasy and fattening treat into your waiting gullet. At least, your left hand anyway. Your right hand, similarly chubby, is working diligently away on a pack of gummy worms.

You have your back leaned against your couch. A back which, when you were younger, looked distinguishable. Now, rolls and rolls of flab.

You shift your massive legs to one side. The thickness of your thighs makes it hard. They are enormous, unruly, and always touching. Any time you try to fit them into a pair of XXXL shorts, they simply burst out. The same could be said for the rest of your legs. Your feet, much like your hands, have become themselves coated in fat, the consequences of your gluttony having nowhere else to escape to.

Well, except for that one central feature that defines your whole frame. Your belly, massive, swollen, globular, a true testament to your obesity, your gluttony, your completely overfed state. It's a wonder you know how fat your feet are, but it's really only a guess. You can never see them from the massive expanse of lard in front of you. As you continue shoving snacks it, your belly feels heavy, the massive amount of fat weighing you down like an anchor.

Get used to this body. You made it yourself. Or don't. After all, knowing you, you're only going to keep gorging yourself, stuffing yourself with fattening foods. And day after day, you'll only grow more obese.


Thanks for reading, everyone. And remember, keep yourself fat ;)

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