Weak in the Knees

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They say that when you're "weak in the knees," it's because you're nervous, in love, and aroused. That's the common definition, anyway. And most are content to stick with it. But for you, fat girl, being weak in your knees means so, so much more.

You want to be physically weighed down by your massive body, don't you? Don't you? Don't lie to me, I know you do. I know what you fantasize about. While other girls think about their diets and staying skinny, you're daydreaming about being fed about being stuffed to your limit until your body grows enormous and fat.

When you're weak in the knees, it's not just because you find yourself so aroused and intrigued by the idea of continuing to gorge yourself fatter and fatter, it's because those fantasies have started to leak into reality. Your increasingly round and swollen belly, your thick thighs, and your fat body is literally making your knees weak and pudgy.

Don't deny it. And don't deny that you love it, fatty. You love feeling yourself get slower, heavier, and wider. It's why you've been putting on so much weight, isn't it? You may not admit it to your friends and family, but each pound added to your chubby figure makes you giddy and flustered, as you get closer and closer to obesity...

Imagine if you could keep feeling that forever. That weakness in your knees, it's just the beginning of a life of fat and gluttony. You dream of having a feeder, someone who can stuff you until you can barely sit up each and every night. You want someone to take that feeling you feel when you eat too much, when you've put on a few pounds, and make it permanent. Someone who will turn your body into a monument of obesity and greed.

You deserve a feeder just like that. After all, you've already done such a good job fattening yourself up already. You started out skinny, or maybe a bit chubby, and look at you now. Heavy belly, round face, wobbly double chin, and an insatiable appetite. Any feeder would be lucky to have. You'd be perfect...

If I could have my way, I'd keep you so full you'd forget what it's like to not have your belly stuffed. I'd take your little secret that you're embarrassed to talk about, which makes you scarlet in the face just thinking about, and make it an undeniable reality. You'd grow so fat and round, no one could deny your gluttony.

I'd turn you from a chubby little girl into a big, lard-filled, fat cow. And you'd love every second of it. I'd make your knees weak, and your body massive.

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