Too Much

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Contains force feeding
Suggested by a follower :)

You could hardly believe your ears when you heard the suggestion. You knew he was into, but you had no idea that it would ever be so intense. The idea seemed insane... but if he thought that it would be hot... well, then maybe you would just have to swallow your price. After all, he had done so much for you.

You situated into the seat and put your hands in a clasp around the back of the chair. You watched in nervous anticipation as he came forward with the funnel, preparing to feed you like you'd never been fed before.

You adjusted into your seat again, feeling just how tight the denim shorts that you had chosen to wear were now. Maybe I should have chosen something a little less snug... you think... It's too late to back out now.

He's standing above you, funnel in hand

"Are you ready, babe?" He asks in a smooth yet excited voice

You bob your head up and down quickly to nod. You close your eyes, preparing for the worst. You feel the funnel situated into your mouth. Suddenly, you feel the warm cream coming down.

"Mmmnnghh," you let out involuntarily.

You feel the delicious and incredibly rich cream flowing down your throat. You open your eyes and roll them back in ecstacy. It's pure heaven, the flavor of it completely overwhelming your taste budd and senses. Maybe you had misjudged this... the feeling of completely surrendering yourself to gluttony like this was almost trance-like. Consuming, consuming, consuming, without even a second to stop and think twice out about it.

He releases it for a second, allowing you to breathe. You let out a massive gasp, panting from the pleasure and overwhelming feeling of the cream. Your breasts and belly heaved up and down in huge, labored breaths. In between the gasps, you let out a little moan and a request: "Put it back in."

He obliges. The feeling returns, the total, beautiful loss of control, the feeling of your body, and baseline instincts taking over. This time, though, it comes with another feeling, a bit of a more uncomfortable one. You glance down between gulps and see your pants tightening around your ever-swellinh stomach. Your eyes widen. You can feel them pinching tighter and tighter.

This time, when he gives you a break, you're even more full. You can't even speak in between gasps and groans of fullness and pure sated ecsasty. The ever tightening grip of your shorts makes it even more difficult. At last, after what feels like forever, you open your mouth to say something. "It's too m-" He interprets this as you wanting the funnel back and promptly inserts back into your mouth.

The flow of cream comes back. By now, the initial taste has disappeared. All you feel is the steady stream of thick liquid and the ever tightening feeling in your belly as it becomes more and more full and sore. The escasty is still there, elevated as it's undercut by your growing concern at the state of your globular ball of fat that you call a belly.

Another brief break. Another minute of heaving, panting and gasping, and then it's back. You try to moan between the gulps of creamy liquid. Even that is impossible. You feel like a balloon being filled with water. You feel like you're swelling up, expanding, and running out of room.

You can feel the pinch of your shorts grow tighter and tighter as they dig into your. It hurts. You need a release. The cream keeps coming. You breathe heavily. The pants tighten more. Your belly swells. More cream. More heavy breaths. More tightness...

SNAP. The button on your jeans flies off. Your overfull bellies flow out instantly into your lap.

Your boyfriend smiles. "That's what I was looking for," he says slyly. He grabs your swollen belly and begins to unzip your shorts. He takes the funnel out. As before, you can only gasp and moan while he admires the swollen, overfull result of his work.

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