Former Athlete

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I know how you used to be. I remember the days when your athletic body was a thing of envy for all the girls around you. Back when you could lift weights like no one was watching and run like the wind. When you were the peak of fitness. Whatever happened to that girl?

I think I know what happened to her. She was buried, buried under thousands of calories of dozens of pounds of lard. Call it what you may, the Freshman 15, winter weight, relationship weight, it's all terminology for the same underlying cause: gluttony.

It was that gluttony that turned those once stick-thin legs into big, heavy trunks of fat. It was gluttony that turned that toned face into a cute and chubby one. It was gluttony that turned those arms that once lifted weights into soft and pillowy pads.

It was gluttony that transformed that chiseled waist into a big, heaving, hefty belly. Isn't it ironic? You used to be so concerned with waist to hip ratios. That was back when your waist was smaller than your hips. Nowadays, with your big, round, belly, the idea that you ever once cared about making it smaller than your hips is laughable. The way it spills over your lap even as you stand and bulges out prominently makes you look like one of the old exercise balls that you used to use.

Back then, you could run a mile in under 6 minutes. Now, the time that it takes for you to heave your overfull, fat body out of bed is at least twice that. And you could never even imagine running a small distance. You'd be turned into a sweaty mess as your belly would weigh you down. Forget running. Walking has become a challenge with your newfound weight.

Few can say that they've experienced the full spectrum as you have. From full mobility and a tight, muscular body to getting out of breath just from waddling to the fridge and a big, round, plump body to boot.

But deep down, I think you and I both realize that your "athlete" phase was just that... a phase, a temporary condition holding you back from your inevitable embrace of gluttony. You were always going to trade protein shakes and salads for burgers and pizza, and it was predestined that your muscle "gains" would turn into gains of something else very soon...

The body you now have is fate at work. It's obesity claiming another athlete.

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