Let Yourself Go

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Let yourself go

You know you want to. You know how restrictive diets and society can be. You can feel your body writhing, desperately yearning to grow and grow and swell up like a balloon.

You wouldn't ever say it, but you know deep down how envious you are of those fat girls you see walking around every so often. Their big, heavy guts, their double chins. It's intoxicating. You can't help but see your own face on their bodies.

So? Let yourself go

Let your belly feel the full weight of thousands and thousands of calories of food, soda, and greasy fats. Let it settle in you, molding you in its image. Let your body become a temple to gluttony and greed.

Your friends and family may protest. They may reach out to you with "concerns." Don't listen to them. You're just returning to what you know you've always meant to look like. The pounds of weight building on your body, enveloping your muscles, they're just showing how you were always meant to look. After all...

You weren't meant to be skinny

If you were, you wouldn't have to worry about restricting calories. You wouldn't have to worry about exercise. You wouldn't have to worry about feeling guilty about big and heavy and fat you want to be... so don't. Don't worry. Let nature take its course. Stuff yourself to capacity. Eat as much as your little heart desires and watch how it changes you. How you let yourself go.

This is how it was meant to be. Responsibilities, worries. All distractions from food. Food that will make you fatter and fatter. Food that will leave you bloated and overfull.

You'll see how your face slowly buries itself in fat. You'll see how your big, round, fat belly grows and grows. From being flat to being a big, jiggly ball. Your legs will fill out, covered from thigh to toe in excess, big, thick, and heavy.

And the best part? Once you let yourself go, it just keeps going. You'll only grow greedier and fatter. Once you get a taste, once your days of restriction are over, you'll become just like the pig you were always born to be. Your inhibitions will dissappear as you surrender your body to your own insatiable appetite.

As you let yourself go.

Don't listen to lamentations about potential. It's all just chatter! Chatter should mean nothing to you. Don't worry about chatter. Worry about getting fatter.

Someday, you'll wake up in your bed. You'll look over and see two massive breasts, heaving up and down. Behind them, a massive globe of a belly, packed to the brim, massive and chunky. It's so big, so full of fat that you can't see your toes over it. You'll reach your big puffy arms over and try to push yourself up a few times. You'll grab your little sausage fingers around the edge of the bed and finally heave yourself up. By now, you'll be sweaty and exhausted from all this exercise, the most excersise you'll get all day. As your big, fat tummy wobbles and shakes and you heavy your XXXL jeans over it and struggle to button, as you suddenly realize how hungry you are and start craving more food to pack your fat body with, you'll think "However did I get here"

Well, I know:


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