Spoiled Princess

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Back in the day, princesses and royals would have to make an active effort to prevent themselves from getting too fat. Surrounding luxury, delicious foods, and a royal household that took care of everything for them, there was little to prevent corsets from tightening around the waist, busts from growing, and thighs from expanding. Of course, the lower princesses would work to stave this off in hopes of a marriage. But the higher nobility? These ladies had marriage secured from the day of birth. There was nothing preventing from becoming as spoiled, large, and fat as possible...

These days, there aren't many real princesses anymore. But their genes and their habits have been passed down. Centuries of pampered, overfed girls have led to you... the most pampered and overfed girl there could be.

When I first met met you, you were like those other lower princesses. Restricting, working out, dieting, and holding back. All in anticipation of your own prince. And now that you've found him, I've been delighted to watch you explode in weight, just like the emporers daughters of old.

As your concerns melted away, so did your muscle, as it became lost in a sea of delicious, soft, warm fat. You had no reason to dear anymore, no reason to burden your mind with anything other than being my fat princess.

Your arms went from lifting weights to lifting pastries to lifting nothing at all as they became bigger, softer, and wider. Your thighs chunked up, jiggling furiously if they moved too much. Your derriere, to use the polite term, swelled up like two grand globes. Your breasts were promoted from small and perky to thick, round, and luscious.

And the centerpiece of it all, your belly. It grew wider, softer, more excessive. Delicious treats that I would delicately feed into your anticipating lips became rolls of fat. Then more rolls, then more, and then more. Now, before you walk into a room, the room meets your belly, a big, heaving and soft.

You're like the princesses of old. You're the highest of the royalty, my queen-consort, my princess. And just like them, you've found that the trappings of luxury have claimed your old figure.

My spoiled, obese princess...

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