VII.See you soon Jaipur

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As the meeting concluded, everyone began to gather their belongings and prepare to leave. However, as Suhana stood up, she accidentally tripped over her own feet and stumbled forward, stepping directly on Dev's toes with a loud thud.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" Dev exclaimed, hopping on one foot and clutching his injured toe.

Suhana, flustered and apologetic, replied, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! It was an accident!"

Dev, still wincing in pain, couldn't help but tease her, "Sure, blame it on gravity. Typical."

Suhana, now a bit annoyed, retorted, "Oh, please. You're the one who's always in his own world, staring at your phone."

"You're always so clumsy," Dev remarked, his tone more serious now.

Suhana, feeling offended, shot back, "And you're always so oblivious! Maybe if you paid more attention, accidents like this wouldn't happen!"

Their voices were raised now, drawing the attention of the staff in the room.

Shivansh, who had been observing the argument quietly, finally spoke up in his king mode, his voice firm and commanding.

"Enough!" he said, his tone cutting through the bickering. Everyone flinched, the stern loud voice booming in the hall. Keya however just looked at him with wide eyes.

God that was so hot..

As the group made their way out, Shivansh nudged Armaan, trying to signal something to him. However, Armaan didn't catch on, looking confused.

Shivansh whispered, "Ask them to dinner tonight you dumbfuck."

Armaan, still confused, shook his head slightly, not understanding. Realizing that Armaan didn't get the message, Shivansh decided to take matters into his own hands, he kicked Armaan's shin.

There you go.

"Hey, why don't we all have dinner together tonight?" Armaan blurted out, trying to act normal while glaring at Shivansh who just ignored him.

Keya and Suhana exchanged glances before Keya spoke up, "That sounds lovely, but we actually have a flight back to Mumbai at 6. We have a wedding to attend next week."

As Shivansh felt disappointed by the missed opportunity, Dev stepped in to smooth things over. He turned to Keya with a charming smile and said, "No worries, we'll catch up some other time. Have a safe flight." However, he didn't spare a glance at Suhana, who felt a pang of irritation at his dismissive attitude towards her.

Keya and Suhana bid goodbyes to the soon to be couple promising them to keep in touch for the details.

And then, Shivansh, mustering up his courage, said, "Bye Keya.. Have a safe flight."

However his mind had something else playing-

Abhi na jao chhod kar..
ke dil abhi bhara nhi-

(Don't go just yet please, my heart's not yet contented..)

Keya unknown to his heart's wishes, smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling. "Thank you, Mr. Rawat. Take care."

Meanwhile, Suhana and Dev's goodbye was a bit more mocking. Suhana, unable to resist teasing Dev, said, "Try not to trip over anything else on your way out, Mr.."

Dev chuckled, unfazed by her remark. "Its Singhania and also.. Maybe next time you should watch where you're going."

Suhana, already harboring some dislike towards Dev, felt her annoyance towards him deepen. She couldn't understand why he seemed to disregard her presence so easily. As they parted ways, Suhana made a mental note to keep her distance from Dev, feeling even more determined to maintain her stance of disliking towards him.

Sitting in the car waving bye to everyone- Keya looked over the window one last time towards Shivansh before smiling and pulling the window up.

(A few hours later)

Armaan entered Shivansh's office, finding him deeply engrossed in his work but also lost in thought. "Hey, Shiv, I wanted to talk to you about our collaboration project. Are you free to discuss it?"

Shivansh looked up, a bit startled, as if pulled out of a reverie. "Oh, Yeah, sure, what's up?"

Armaan noticed Shivansh's distracted demeanor. "Is everything okay? You seem a bit... elsewhere."

Shivansh sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, everything's fine. I've just got a lot on my mind lately."

Armaan raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ah, I see. Thinking about someone special, are we?"

Shivansh just shot him a glare. "Shut up, what did you want to discuss about the project?"

Armaan smiled knowingly and said, "We can discuss the project later. Right now, it seems like you need to get something off your chest. Come on, Shiv, spill it."

Shivansh hesitated for a moment before opening up. Even though Armaan is an ass, he is also a very good friend. "I've been thinking a lot about Keya. It has absolutely consumed my brain."

Armaan's smile widened. "Ah, love....
It has a way of consuming your thoughts, doesn't it? You know, I felt the same way about Sayu when we first met. I couldn't stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I tried.
And I think if the love is pure and honest, there is no problem in letting it consume you.." he said, his eyes filling with adoration and lips turning into a contented smile as he thought about his princess.

Shivansh listened intently as Armaan continued, sharing stories of his early days with Sayunkta and the journey of their relationship. As Armaan spoke, Shivansh couldn't help but think about Keya and the way she made him feel, maybe he is right.

After a while, Armaan paused and looked at Shivansh. "So, what about you and Keya? Do you think there's something there?"

Shivansh nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "I think there might be. I won't force my feelings on her, time will tell if I am in her life or not.. but I am gonna try with everything in me to make her grow in love with me.."

Armaan smiled, clapping Shivansh on the back. "That's the spirit, bro. Follow your heart, and everything will fall into place."

As Shivansh thanked Armaan for the advice, his thoughts drifted back to Keya. He knew that he needed to take a chance and show her how he felt. Who knows? Maybe one day she will feel the same way.

Meanwhile on the flight

As Keya sat on the flight back to Mumbai, her fingers absentmindedly played with the bracelet on her wrist. The charm, button from Shivansh's kurta, glinted in the soft cabin light. She found herself lost in thoughts of Shivansh, replaying their brief interactions in Jaipur over and over in her mind.

She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the way he looked at her, the sound of his voice, and the warmth in his eyes. She wondered when the upcoming weeks would be over, eager for the chance to meet Shivansh again. She hoped that their paths would cross soon and that they would have more time to talk and get to know each other.

Lost in her thoughts, Keya felt a sense of anticipation building within her. She couldn't wait to see Shivansh again and see where their connection would lead.

See you soon Jaipur.


AHHHHH I can't tell you how I was feeling when I came up with the abhi na jao line-  GOD WHEN WILL BE MY TURN???
Anyways please feel free to tell me how you felt about the chapter I ABSOLUTELY LOVE READING COMMENTS and also please don't forget to vote!!

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