XXVIII. Cozy Embraces

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The faint light of the morning sun hit the palace grounds. The terrace was still misty after the cold night, but the whispered talks of the couple didn't faint. At all. And they didn't care either, today was sort of a buffer day, with no functions lined up and a day for everyone to relax before the upcoming big day- (bachelor's) Haldi and wedding.

Yes, Keya and Shivansh spent the night on the terrace, in each other's arms, talking about their life before and after meeting each other. Shivansh didn't want to let go of her (now that he finally is able to hold her close) and neither did she.

That feels so good to say

The king himself went to his room and got them both a blanket and cushions so that they could cuddle and talk about any and everything, which they indeed did. They confessed everything, how Shivansh saw her- how she saw him (how they both stalked each other ahem ahem) and also.. their past. Shivansh had nothing big to hide, nothing Keya didn't already had a hint about like his parents and the complexity of the dad and son relationship, however Keya still couldn't get out of her system the incident that haunts her to life till date. Not like she didn't wanted to, of course not. She trusted Shivansh as much as she trusted Sana if not more and as hasted it sounds she loves this man till the end of every atom on this planet.

But she physically couldn't push herself to remember- that horrific night. She needed time and Shivansh knew since last night onwards, they will have plenty of it, they were in the long haul, together.

"Ansh," Keya began, breaking the comfortable silence, "have you ever had a girlfriend or any flings or, you know.. um..night stands in the past? You can tell me I won't mind.."


Shivansh's expression softened as he looked at her. "I am not gonna lie, I have had those, all of those in the past.." he saw as her brows furrowed but then he added on, "but my Grace, not for the past three years since I met you, never in the past three years.." he replied, his gaze unwavering.

Keya smiled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Me neither," she said, her voice soft. But Shivansh's smile faltered, and he scowled slightly.

"You sure about that?" he asked, a hint of jealousy creeping into his voice. "I remember reading some rumors about you dating an actor about a year ago."

If tomatoes were red, you should see Shivansh's ears right now, red from something spelled as
j e a l o u s y.

Keya burst into laughter, shaking her head. "Oh, that?" she said, still chuckling. "That was all fake, just a PR stunt to promote the hype of the wedding in the press, I didn't date anyone and especially not that bear looking man ."

Her clarification made his tense muscles relax and the beautiful smile to return. But- she wanted to test the waters so she added, "but that doesn't mean I haven't had a boyfriend like ever, I was just busy from the past 2ish years so couldn't date, but mind you the line is long as fu-"

Before she could complete, Shivansh's possessive side flared up at her words, and he pulled her closer, a determined look in his eyes. "Well, they can wait in line, forever." he said, his tone firm. "Because you're mine now. Today, tomorrow and all the coming tomorrow's after."

Keya laughed, delighted by his reaction. She leaned in and kissed him gently. "Yours," she whispered, her heart overflowing with love for the man in front of her.

In each other's arms they watched the sunrise together. Even without an ounce of sleep they were fresh and contented, the rising sun a symbol of their new beginning and bright future.

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