The big day

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GUYS hi sorry if this chapter is shitty, I am travelling and I wrote this bit by bit whenever I got time. Sorry for the short chapter, bare w me.


Keya woke up in Shivansh's room, expecting to find herself in his arms, but instead, she found herself alone, the bed sheets cold. She sat up, feeling a pang of disappointment, but then noticed Shivansh standing by the balcony, lost in thought as he gazed outside.

She got up and walked over to him, standing beside him without saying a word. The early morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow around them. For a few moments, they stood there in silence, the only sound being the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind.

God this man was so beautiful.

After a while, Shivansh broke the silence. "After Mom passed away, Dad distanced himself from us. It was a tough time, and I felt like I only had my friends and Sayu," he said, his voice tinged with sadness.

Right now.. He was neither the King of Jaipur, Nor he was Shivansh, he was just a brother.

Shivansh then turned to look at her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. "And now, with Sayu getting married, I feel like I'm losing her too," he admitted, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.

Keya took his hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're not losing her, Ansh. She'll always be your sister, no matter where life takes her, and wherever she will go, this will still remain her home right?" she said, her words filled with sincerity. For a mini spilt second she wondered what would life had been if she would also have a family like this who would miss her when got married but then as it came she defused it, focusing on the man in front of her.

He nodded and let out a shaky breath before locking eyes with her again, speaking very softly, "you won't leave me too, would you?"

Her heart clenched looking at the vulnerable eyes of her man. Because afterall, behind all that exterior of the strong and powerful man he no wonder is, he still needed love, care and validation like any other human, and Keya vowed to give him all of it.

"Never." She spoke holding his face in her hand, wiping the stray tear he didn't know when it left his eyes.
"The day I separate from you, is the day the moon won't rise."

(Ik you smartasses will crack this hint)

They stood there, lost in each other's eyes, both silently acknowledging the deepening bond between them, heads resting together as the warm morning sunlight brightened the sky behind them.


(11:30 AM)

Sayunkta paced around her room, her bridal lehenga draped over a chair, as Keya and Suhana watched with amusement and concern.

"Sayunkta, calm down. Everything is going to be perfect," Keya said, trying to soothe her friend.

"I know, I know, but what if something goes wrong? What if my lehenga rips or the flowers in my hair wilt?" Sayunkta fretted, running her hands through her hair.

Suhana chuckled. "Bro, you will look absolutely stunning, as always. Nothing is going to go wrong," she reassured her.

Sayunkta took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "I just want everything to be perfect. This is the most important day of my life," she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

Keya hugged her friend, trying to comfort her. "It will be perfect. You're going to walk down that aisle looking like a queen," she said reassuringly.

Suhana nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we'll be right there with you every step of the way," she added.

Sayunkta smiled through her tears, feeling grateful for her friends' support. "Thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you," she said, wiping away her tears.

As they sat down to finalize the details, Sayunkta's anxiety seemed to melt away slightly. They discussed the decor, the entry song, and the smallest details, making sure everything was just right.

Suddenly, Keya's phone rang. It was the decor guy. Excusing herself she went out of the room and talked to him, looking here and there.
Obviously looking for you know who.

She spotted a boy around 9 or 10 years old and called him while putting the phone away from her face for a second,
"Hey can you look for Armaan's friend Shivansh and tell him that the decor people have arrived and I am calling him?"

The boy nodded and scurried away before Keya could tell her his name.
Shrugging, she finished her call and went inside only to see Suhana standing in the corner recording a stressed Suhana who was practising her "going down in aisle walk" in sponge bob pyjamas.

Keya and Suhana laughed, knowing that this was just typical pre-wedding nerves.


Armaan paced back and forth in his room, his expression a mix of excitement and nervousness. Shivansh and Dev sat on the bed, watching him with amusement.

"Armaan, buddy, calm down. You're going to wear a hole in the floor," Dev joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I can't help it, Dev. This is a big day! I'm about to get married!" Armaan exclaimed, running a hand through his hair.

Shivansh chuckled. "Relax, Armaan. Everything is going to be fine. As much as hate to admit, You and Sayu are meant to be together," he reassured him with a slight scowl.

Armaan sighed, trying to take deep breaths to calm his nerves. "I know, I know. It's just... What if something goes wrong? What if I trip on my way to the mandap or forget my vows?" he fretted.


Dev rolled his eyes. "Armaan, stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet. Just focus on enjoying the moment," he advised.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and one of Armaan's younger cousins poked his head in. "Um, Shivansh Bhaiya, some decor people have come and the pretty didi asked me to call you."

Shivansh smiled at the boy, he knew the "pretty didi" is definitely Keya. Nodding at the boy he got up but stopped when Armaan started rambling again, " Wait, Already? That means we don't have much time? I need- I need to get my outfit - Fuck!"

Shivansh and Dev exchanged amused glances as they watched Armaan scramble to get ready. "I think we better give him some space," Shivansh suggested, standing up.

Dev nodded, standing up as well. "Yeah, let's leave him to his pre-wedding jitters. He'll be fine once he's out there," he said, heading towards the door.

As they left the room, they could hear Armaan's voice echoing down the hallway as paced around the room getting his things.


Next chapter will be long I PROMISE.

Bye ily!

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