Heart games

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Heyyy!! So part 3 out of 4 of the wedding sequence, and this one trust me is gonna be very, very pleasant to read!!!


The varmala and other rituals were complete, and the bride and groom were about to take their places in the mandap. The air buzzed with excitement and anticipation.

In one corner, Shivansh, Dev, and a few others huddled together, deep in discussion, strategizing for the impending ritual of joota chupai, where the bride's team tries to steal the groom's shoes.

"This asshole thinks that I would let him off the hook this easy. He is marrying my sister, so no way his shoes are getting to him before midnight." Shivansh said, rolling his sleeves.

(no stop thats so hot tho-)

"I think we should hide it somewhere so obvious yet so discreet that non of his loser cousins could get their hands on it." Dev added.

One of the girls with them pointed at Armaan who was getting his turban fixed. The two other boys exchanged a knowing glance and whistled.

Armaan turned around with a smile which turned into a frown.

Shivansh and Dev pointed at his shoes and then Shivansh pretended to take out a match stick and Dev acted as if he is burning his beloved golden especially ordered for the wedding shoes.

( I hate how they bully my poor golden retriever boy )

Suddenly, Armaan came sprinting towards Keya and Suhana, his face flushed with urgency.
He skidded to a stop in front of them, nearly out of breath.

"Girls! I need your help!" he blurted out, panting heavily.

Keya and Suhana exchanged puzzled looks. "Armaan, calm down. What's going on?" Keya asked, placing a reassuring hand on his arm.

Armaan took a deep breath and started rambling, words tumbling out in a rush.

"My shoe- danger- boys- hiding-"

"Wtf?" Suhana exclaimed earning a light slap from Keya.

"Calm down Armaan what is it?" She asked. 

"Shivansh and Dev are plotting against me! They've got everyone too scared to mess with them. My side is weak—no one wants to go against those two. I need backup, and you two are my only hope. Keya you know Shivansh will keep the shoes along with a few millions at your feet if you asked him and You are the only one who can put up with Dev, Suhana.. PLEASE!"

Suhana raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you want us to help you protect your shoes against Shivansh and Dev?"

"Yes, exactly!" Armaan nodded vigorously. "You two are like sisters to me, and only you can handle those boys. Please, I need you to protect my shoes!"

Keya and Suhana hesitated, glancing at each other. "But... Shivansh and Dev are tough to beat," Keya said slowly.

Suhana scoffed

Armaan clasped his hands together in a pleading gesture. "Please, I'm begging you! If anyone can outsmart them, it's you two."

Suhana sighed dramatically. "Alright, alright. We'll help you. You've got nothing to worry about brother."

Armaan's face lit up with relief. "Thank you! Now, here's the plan..."


As Armaan discussed his plan with Keya and Suhana, Shivansh and Dev watched from a distance, completely caught off guard by what they were seeing. They had expected Armaan to be discussing some last-minute details or perhaps seeking advice from the girls, but they never anticipated him actually taking their girls to his side.

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