IV. Arrival

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As Shivansh arrived home, he noticed that Keya had not yet arrived. Armaan, who was with him, couldn't help but notice Shivansh's early return.

"Hey, Shiv, why are you back so early?" Armaan asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

Shivansh tried to brush it off casually. "Oh, just finished up some work early. Thought I'd come home and relax."


Armaan raised an eyebrow, still not convinced. "Hmm, alright then. Well, let's get comfortable. Keya should be here soon, right?"

Shivansh nodded, trying to hide his disappointment. He hoped that Keya would arrive soon, so he could finally see her again.

Meanwhile as the two girls drove to the palace, Keya's nerves grew even more. She couldn't shake off the worry about not only the meeting but also about how Shivansh would see her. She kept fidgeting with her clothes, wondering if she had chosen the right outfit.

"Sana, do you think this is too much? Like I don't think I should have chosen an Anarkali suit for the first meeting right?" Keya asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Sana glanced over and smiled reassuringly. "Keya, you look stunning and moreover I bet Shivansh the king won't be able to take his eyes off you."

Keya sighed, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I just want everything to go perfectly. This meeting is so important for us."

And meeting him..

Sana nodded in understanding. "It will, Keya. Just be yourself and see this as a regular wedding we organise okay... we'll organise the best Royal wedding ever.

Keya smiled gratefully at her friend's words, feeling slightly more at ease. She took a deep breath, determined to face whatever was to come with confidence.

Meanwhile at the palace..

Shivansh paced around his room, his thoughts racing. "Alright, Shiv, you've waited three years for this moment. Don't mess it up now," he muttered to himself.

He tried to remember all the advice he had read in magazines about impressing someone on a first meeting.

Who said kings can't read magazines-
....to impress girls?

"Okay, smile, but not too much. Look interested, but not too eager. And for the love of god, don't mention that you've been stalking her on social media," he joked to himself, rolling his eyes at his own nervousness.

He checked himself in the mirror, adjusting his kurta collar. "You got this, Shiv. Just be yourself, you are a king for god's sake." he said, trying to psych himself up.

(Shivansh POV)

As I descended the stairs, a sense of anticipation filled my being.

Then, there was a delicate knock on the door, and she entered, a vision of elegance and grace.

Keya, dressed in a black anarkali dress, her hair flowing like a river of midnight silk.

There was someone else beside her too but I don't care-

Time seemed to stand still as she came into the palace being greeted by Sayu, her presence captivating every fiber of my being.

She was a vision of beauty, her every movement a graceful dance. I watched in awe as she talked to Sayu, her voice a melody that enchanted my soul.

In that moment, she was not just a woman;
she was a dream, a fantasy woven into reality. My heart swelled with a longing I had never known, and I realized then and there that she had captured not just my gaze, but my very soul.


Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and walked up to Keya. As I approached her, I cleared my throat softly to announce my presence. She turned towards me, and for a moment, our eyes met.

I felt a rush of excitement and nervousness, but I knew I had to stay composed. This was my chance to make a good impression, and I didn't want to let it slip away.

(Keya's POV)

I watched as THE princess of Jaipur - a very humble woman though, greet us. There was a man beside her, tall and good looking, probably Armaan, the groom. He was also sweet.

Suddenly, I noticed Sayunkta's gaze shift behind me, and as I turned, I saw him approaching.


He walked towards us with a confident stride, and my heart skipped a beat. He introduced himself, and I couldn't help but notice the warmth in his eyes and the sincerity in his smile.

"Hello, I'm Shivansh," he said.

I smiled, feeling a flutter of excitement in my stomach, and I raised my hand for him to shake, "Hello, I'm Keya. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

He looked at my hand, blinked and then shook it.

As our hands touched, a surge of electricity seemed to pass between us, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection. I knew that this meeting was going to be unforgettable.

We walked inside, I couldn't help but steal glances at Shivansh. His presence was magnetic, drawing me in with an irresistible charm. His every move was graceful, and there was an air of confidence about him that was undeniably attractive.


Sana, who was walking beside me, noticed my admiration and nudged me playfully. "Looks like someone's down bad," she whispered, teasingly.

I blushed, feeling caught in the act. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stammered, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Sana chuckled. "Oh, please. It's written all over your face. I've never seen you look at anyone like that before."

Is it?

I tried to compose myself, but deep down, I knew she was right. There was something about Shivansh that captivated me, and I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in my heart.

When we got settled in the living room, with Sana and Sayunkta casually talking, I turned to look at Shivansh who got a call and left the room.

Dang it!

(Shivansh POV)

As the conversation continued, I excused myself, pretending to receive a call.
In reality, I needed a moment to gather my thoughts. My interaction with Keya had left me feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

I leaned against a nearby pillar, taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Keya's presence had a profound effect on me, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of being drawn to her.

She shook my hand-
She could have just nodded but she shook my hand.
Not Sayu,
Not Armaan
She touched ME.

Am I in heaven?????

I knew I had to compose myself before rejoining the conversation. This meeting was important, and I didn't want my nerves to get the best of me.
Taking a deep breath I dialled Dev, "Dev, they've arrived, get your ass here." And hung up. 

I don't do unnecessary conversations..

Gathering my thoughts, I took a few more moments before returning, ready to face whatever the evening had in store.


Heya all!!
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