XIII. Roses

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The next morning, Keya woke up with a smile, the memories of the previous night still fresh in her mind. She made her way to the balcony, which offered a stunning view of the palace garden. As she looked out, her eyes fell on Shivansh, his back turned towards her, engrossed in conversation with two or three men who were planting something in the garden.

Keya watched him for a moment, admiring the way he seemed so focused and engaged in his task. She couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him, seeing him taking care of the palace garden that he until yesterday didn't even bothered to walk around.


As she continued to watch, Shivansh turned slightly, catching sight of her standing on the balcony. He smiled warmly, waving her over. Keya smiled back, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest. How can he look so handsome just standing in sunlight?

"Good morning to me" she thought.

Keya blushed and went inside to get ready for the day whereas Shivansh continued overseeing the planting of the white rose plants in the garden.

White roses.
30 new plants of WHITE ROSES ONLY.

He had decided to dedicate an entire section of the garden near a small pond to Keya, inspired by her love for white roses like she mentioned yesterday.

He named it "the quiet place" because that place and Keya will be his place of solitude.

Shivansh watched as his men worked diligently, planting each rose plant with care and precision. He wanted everything to be perfect, just like Keya deserved. He imagined her reaction when she would see the beautiful white roses blooming in the garden, a symbol of his admiration and affection for her. Even though silent.

As the last plant was placed in the ground, Shivansh stepped back to admire the handiwork. The white roses stood out against the greenery of the garden, creating a picturesque and romantic setting.

Satisfied with the result, Shivansh smiled to himself, excited for Keya to see the surprise he had prepared for her. He knew that it was a small gesture, but he hoped that it would convey his love and admiration for her in a meaningful way.


As the evening approached, Shivansh began to look for Keya, realizing he hadn't seen her since morning. He approached Suhana, trying to be subtle as he inquired about Keya's whereabouts.

"Suhana, have you seen Keya? I haven't been able to find her all day," Shivansh asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

Very subtle.

Suhana glanced up from her task, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Oh, Keya went with Armaan. He's planned a surprise for Sayunkta, and Keya is helping him with the arrangements," she informed him.

Shivansh's face fell slightly at the news. He had been looking forward to spending more time with Keya, especially after their moment in the garden earlier that day. He tried to hide his disappointment and nodded. "I see. Well, I hope they have fun," he replied, forcing a smile.

Armaan you son of a bitch.

Suhana noticed the change in Shivansh's demeanor and gave him a sympathetic look. "Don't worry, Shivansh. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you to spend time with Keya," she reassured him, patted his back and walked away.

What was that for?
Whatever, I'll wait i guess. He thought.


As the evening approached, the palace garden was transformed into a stunning display of modern elegance, as per Keya's suggestion. The grand foyer was adorned with beautiful decorations, featuring a color palette of pastel and gold accents that added a touch of sophistication to the ambiance.

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