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I need to stop listening to songs they give me ideas you guys won't like

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I need to stop listening to songs they give me ideas you guys won't like.


Keya felt the sharp sting of cold water splashing against her face, jerking her from the fragile grip of unconsciousness. She gasped, blinking rapidly to clear her vision, her body aching from the rough treatment she had endured. Slowly, as her surroundings came into focus, her heart dropped.

Standing before her were two figures she thought she would never see again—Mr. and Mrs. Goyal, her so-called adoptive parents. Their expressions were as cold and cruel as she remembered, their eyes filled with a twisted satisfaction at seeing her in this state.

"No..." Keya's voice was a whisper, her heart pounding in her chest. The memories of years of torment and abuse flooded back, the pain they inflicted on her as vivid as it had been when she was under their control. She had escaped them once, found a life she could call her own, surrounded by people who cared for her, who loved her. But now, it seemed the nightmare had returned, more terrifying than ever.

Before she could say anything, Ayush limped into the room, a sadistic smile on his face as he surveyed the scene. "I see you recognize them, Keya," he sneered, moving to stand beside his parents. "They've been through a lot, you know, ever since you decided to run away from the life they gave you."

Keya's breath caught in her throat. She knew Ayush was a twisted soul, but bringing her adoptive parents into this? It was a level of cruelty she hadn't anticipated. She looked at them, at the people who had treated her like an object, a means to an end, and knew that this wasn't just about revenge anymore. This was about breaking her entirely.

"You thought you could just leave and everything would be fine?" Mrs. Goyal's voice was cold, dripping with venom. "You humiliated us, brought shame to our name. We lost everything because of you."

Bloody hypocrites

Mr. Goyal nodded in agreement, his face hard as stone. "We took you in, gave you everything, and this is how you repaid us? By running away like a coward? Even changed your name. Fucking Pathetic."

Keya felt her stomach twist in knots. She had always known that escaping from them had consequences, but she never imagined they would follow her this far, still bent on making her life miserable. And now, with Ayush in the mix, it seemed like they had formed a perfect storm of hatred and revenge.

Ayush stepped closer, leaning in so that his face was just inches from hers. "You see, Keya, I want you to understand something," he said, his voice low and menacing. "When you ran away, you didn't just leave them behind—you left behind the life they had planned for you. And now, you're going to pay for it."

Keya's mind raced, trying to think of a way out, a way to protect herself and those she cared about. She knew that if she refused, if she fought back, they would only turn their wrath towards Shivansh, Suhana, and everyone else she loved. She couldn't let that happen. She couldn't drag them into this darkness.

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