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Istg I was so proud of myself today!


Keya could barely muster the strength to open her eyes, her vision blurred as pain radiated through every part of her body. The metallic taste of blood lingered on her tongue, her busted lip throbbing with each shallow breath she took. Her cheek stung where Ayush had struck her, and her back felt like it was on fire, every muscle stiff and unyielding after hours of being tied to the chair. Her legs were completely numb, almost as if they weren't there at all.

It had been three hours, maybe more—she couldn't tell anymore. Time had become a cruel, endless loop of pain and degradation. She had been starved, humiliated, and beaten, yet somehow, she had held on. She had refused to give Ayush the satisfaction of seeing her break. Even as her body screamed in agony, her spirit remained unbroken.

But the toll was heavy. Each second that ticked by felt like an eternity, her mind teetering on the edge of darkness. She could feel herself slipping, the exhaustion and pain threatening to overwhelm her. It would be so easy to give in, to let the blackness swallow her whole, to escape from the relentless torment.

But as she forced her eyes open again, through the haze of her tears and the pain clouding her vision, she saw something that made her heart skip—a faint, golden light. The first rays of the morning sun were beginning to seep through the cracks of the decrepit warehouse, casting long shadows across the dirty floor.

That light, weak as it was, sparked something deep inside her, something that had been buried under layers of fear and pain. Hope. It was the faintest flicker, but it was enough. Enough to remind her that the night was ending. That darkness, no matter how suffocating, would always give way to light.

Keya blinked, forcing her vision to clear, to focus on that small, glowing sliver of hope. The guards were resting, their cruel laughter and jeers now replaced by silence. She was alone, at least for now. She was exhausted, every part of her aching, but she was still here.

Still breathing. Still fighting.

With whatever strength she had left, Keya shifted in the chair, testing the ropes that bound her. They were tight, cutting into her skin, but the movement sent a surge of determination through her veins. She wouldn't give up.

Not now, not ever. Shivansh's face flashed in her mind, his eyes, the way he looked at her like she was his whole world. She had to hold on. She had to survive, for him, for them.

The light grew brighter as the sun began to rise, and with it, so did Keya's resolve. She would find a way out. She would find a way back to him, no matter what it took.


(From here play the song)

Shivansh had changed out of his formal attire, now clad in a plain black shirt and worn jeans, the simplicity of his outfit belying the storm brewing beneath.

Gone was the composed businessman, the regal heir. What remained was a man on a mission, a lover fueled by rage and desperation, ready to burn the world to the ground if it meant getting Keya back.

Dev followed closely behind, his eyes reflecting a similar fire. Not long ago, he had held Suhana in his arms, promising her that he would bring Keya back. They had just confessed their feelings, their hearts raw and open, but there was no time to bask in that moment. Dev had given his word, and nothing—not even the newfound love that had begun to blossom between them—would stop him from fulfilling it.

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