Moonless night

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As promised, double update as we are reaching towards the climax :)

(I recommend listening to Zaroorat from ek villain, from the paragraph I have marked to feel what is being portrayed)


The evening was winding down, and the reception hall was filled with the warm buzz of laughter and conversation. Keya and Suhana, still glowing from the night's celebrations, decided to slip away for a moment of quiet.

After the moment on the dance floor, both best friends obviously had a lot to discuss.

"Let's get some fresh air," Suhana suggested, her voice soft but insistent. Keya nodded, grateful for the chance to escape the noise for a bit. The two of them quietly made their way towards a side exit, avoiding the main crowd.

As they stepped out into the cool night air, Suhana inhaled deeply, closing her eyes for a moment. "I needed this," she murmured, her breath visible in the crisp air. Keya smiled, wrapping her arms around herself as they walked towards the back of the venue where the lights were dimmer and the noise from the party was just a distant hum.

The moment of peace, however, was short-lived.

Two figures emerged from the shadows, moving quickly and with purpose. Suhana barely had time to react before a strong hand clamped over her mouth, muffling her scream. Keya's eyes widened in shock as she was grabbed from behind, her heart racing as she struggled to break free.

"What the—" Keya started to yell, but the words were cut off as a hand covered her mouth, stifling her voice.

Suhana's eyes were wide with fear as she tried to twist out of her captor's grip. The man holding her was strong, his expression cold and unyielding. "Stay quiet, and you won't get hurt," he hissed, his voice low and menacing.

Keya fought against her captor, her mind racing as she realized what was happening. This wasn't a prank or a misunderstanding. They were being abducted. As she struggled, she felt something cold slip from her neck—the locket she always carried with her. The thing that binds her Ansh and herself together. Her hope. It fell silently to the ground, unnoticed by the men who were too focused on dragging the two women towards a waiting vehicle parked near the back exit.

Keya's heart pounded in her chest as she was shoved towards the car. She tried to kick out, to fight back, but the man's grip on her was too strong. "Let us go!" she tried to shout, but it came out as a muffled cry.

"Shut up!" one of the men barked, pushing her roughly into the back seat. Suhana was already inside, her hands bound with a rough rope, her eyes wide with terror.

Keya's mind was spinning. This can't be happening, she thought desperately, her eyes darting around for any chance of escape. But there was none. The men moved quickly, securing them both in the back of the truck before slamming the doors shut.

As the vehicle sped off into the night, Keya's eyes flickered to the darkened venue, hoping against hope that someone had seen what happened. Her locket, the one thing that had slipped from her grasp, lay on the ground near the back exit, a small, shining clue left behind.

Suhana's voice broke through her thoughts, shaky and filled with fear. "Keya, what are we going to do?"

Keya swallowed hard, trying to keep her own fear at bay. "We'll find a way out of this," she said, though her voice trembled. "Someone will come for us. They have to."

The two women exchanged a glance, their fear palpable in the small, confined space of the car. They didn't know who had taken them or why, but one thing was certain—whatever was coming next, they would face it together.

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