Bachelor's (I)

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Ladies, shit is about to get ✨✨✨
This chapter will be in two parts, one I'll upload now and one I'll upload later today itself. So you'll get a double update today!!!


Suhana and Keya entered Sayunkta's room dressed casually (with their heels makeup and dresses in their bags) and called out for her, "all set bride-to-be?" Suhana asked. Sayunkta took her bag and car keys and checked the room one last time, "yup, bag? Check. Money? Check. Keys? Check. Now we just gotta go without being in sight of the boys."

Keya nodded, she had to literally sit with Shivansh for good 2 hours to make sure he doesn't come look for her until she is out of the house, and as for Suhana, well she hoped not to see Dev because that boy was creating good amount of havoc in her brain.

As the girls were heading out the door with their backpacks, they were almost out of the threshold when they heard some voices calling them, "hey girls?"

God dammit!

The three cursed together, slowly turning on their heels, "Hey, where are you ladies off to?" Shivansh called out, a curious look on his face, gaze fixed on his girl.

How can someone look so kissable (and other things able) in a casual outfit?

Keya exchanged a glance with Suhana and Sayunkta, trying to come up with a plausible answer. "Oh, we're just going out for a bit...Nothing special," Keya replied, trying to sound casual. Keyword- trying.

"Nothing special? With those backpacks?" Dev chimed in, raising an eyebrow.

Sayunkta jumped in, attempting to deflect their suspicions. "Oh, you know, just some shopping and maybe a little spa time. Girl stuff bhai!," she said with a shrug.

Armaan and Shivansh exchanged a look, clearly not buying their vague answers. But Dev's gaze was fixed on Suhana, "can we join?" He blurted out and 5 gazes were on him in an instant. The girl's with confusion and the boys beside him with a w-t-f? Look.

Armaan tugged his sleeve, "oh you lovesick asshole, do your la-la-land shit any other day and get your ass back out of that bloody trance we're going to the casino and thats final as fuck."

"What was that?" Suhana asked but Armaan covered it up, "Nothing girls, my buddy is high on business zoom calls, you guys have fun okay!" Armaan said, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

Out of the whole conversation the two newly committed love birds just nodded at each other as a silent bye.

Sweet old love.

They were about to turn back again when Suhana stopped and faced them.

"Wait a minute, where are you guys going?" She asked, raising a suspicious brow at them.

The boys exchanged a nervous glance, realizing they were about to be questioned as well. "Oh, um, we were just going to grab a bite to eat," Shivansh replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

Again, trying..

Sayunkta raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Just a bite to eat? Bhai you? At this hour?" she asked, crossing her arms.

This time even Keya frowned at him, as the girls took in their smart yet casual that screams
"we are rich as fuck classy men who will silently show off".

This time even Keya frowned at him, as the girls took in their smart yet casual that screams "we are rich as fuck classy men who will silently show off"

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