Scene 1: A harsh but pretty world

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From the moment I was born, I've felt a longing for something greater than the ordinary. The idea of living a 'normal' life, with its prescribed routines and expectations, has always felt suffocating to me. But what exactly is a normal life, anyway? Is it the classic pattern of school, work, family, and eventual death, all neatly packaged into a neat little box?

I've never been able to fit my future into any of these boxes. Even as a child, I hated the thought of following in the footsteps of those before me. I wanted something different, something that would set me apart from the rest. But how do you define 'normal' life in this  world?

Is normal just a useless label for the average people, or does it hold some deeper meaning that I'm missing? What will I have to give up to pursue a life that's truly my own?

These are the questions that have haunted me since I first became aware of the world around me. But no matter how I try to answer them, I always find myself drawn back to a potential conclusion: there is no such thing as a 'normal' life.

So why do I care about the concept of normal life when I'm trapped in this white room, waiting for my father's visit? Perhaps it's because being confined like this makes me think about the world outside, the one I've only heard about secondhand. The guard who brought me the newspaper told me that the life expectancy for newborns these days is only 13 years. It's a bleak reminder of how much has changed since I was born.

But I try to hold onto hope. I feel lucky to have made it this far, to be here at 16 years old. The guard told me that he remembers a time when young people still had dreams for the future, when they wanted to be doctors or superstars. Now, it seems like all anyone wants is to survive.

The root of all this destruction and suffering, they say, is a single man. 15 years ago, a mad scientist appeared with a device that could end lives with the flick of a switch. Legend has it that the device was the size of a light bulb, but its effects were devastating. The scientist infiltrated a conference between world leaders, and with one click, all the attendees were dead. No physical evidence of harm was found, just the bodies of the fallen leaders scattered throughout the room. The world watched in horror as the incident was broadcasted on every channel.

But the reach of the scientist's attack was far greater than just that single conference room. With one click, he eradicated a third of the world's population. His assault was centered in a region that was once known as Europe, and its effects were felt far and wide, spanning countries beyond the seas and oceans.

This scientist didn't just disappear into the shadows after his heinous act. Instead, he proclaimed himself ruler of the world, and with that declaration, the world as we know it today was born. Under the iron-fisted rule of one man, Bjorn, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a world dominated by fear and tyranny.

Why would someone kill innocent people and ruin the world. Nowadays there is no concept of country nor society. Instead the world is divided between resistance and alliance. Alliance is the world for the people who just submitted directly to Bjorn. These include the majority of the humanity. If I remember my History book that father brought me, there was all the south and north american continent, Africa, West Asia and many more. The resistance party, while being a few, are mainly focused in a small part of Iceland that was able to avoid the bjorn attack and in the north Japanese area. While my name is Mirai Chiba and my father's name is Sadao, we are not in Japan. Actually we are in Iceland.

I never knew my mother but apparently she was from Iceland. She met with my father on a school trip actually. A highschool from iceland organized a visit to Japan, and they met at a shrine in kyoto as my father had a part time job there. Then they remained in contact, fell in love, after that they moved to iceland. From my father stories, mom died during the bjorn attack. She was visiting her parents at the south of Iceland when the accident stroke. At the time she was pregnant with me. When my father heard of the accident, he drove immediately from the north of iceland to the south. He told me it was a miracle that I was alive today. While my mother heart stopped beating, mine was just fine. He was able to save me.

While I was thinking about my crybaby back story, the door of my room opened.

- " Mirai, how are you ? "
- " Father, I missed you, I thought you were busy today, I have been doing all the studies and training you were telling me ... "

Since my 5th birthday I started a series of intensive training under my father supervision. From human anatomy, to martial arts, physics, gun manufacturing, intensive running etc. I am very proud of myself to have accomplished this learning path.

- " How old are you now Mirai ? "
- " Come on dad you know, I am 16, how can you forg..."
- " Sorry Mirai, I am so sorry "

As I was looking, my dad started crying. He went on his knees. He was a man with a slight beard. He had a scar through his left eye. Wounds covering his body everywhere. He was also missing his left pinky, but apparently that was before I was born. I couldn't believe that man was crying. He had the looks of a warrior, how can he cry like a baby ? I thought.

- " Dad you are scarring me, why are you crying ? "
- " I am sorry, I made you go through this training. I am sorry I won't be here when you are married. I am sorry I am sorry I am sorry ... "

While I was speechless watching my old man going crazy and sobbing in tears I heard a gunshot outside. Few seconds later 4 men raided the white room, my white room where I spent all my life up until now.

From outside the room I saw the guard head with a hole in it. I was about to freak out but I couldn't. I mean this man was my only friend. I didn't even know his name but still ... I should have asked for it. Who are those men ? I shall kill them ...

Suddenly I heard footsteps and a blond boy with japanese eye came into the room. I knew he was different from the other soldier that raided the room. As soon as my father saw him he put his head on the ground and started pleading.

" Please bjorn sama, I will do anything just let my girl go I beg you "

The man didn't even flinch. Was he bjorn really ? He was eying me. I mean really eying me.
After a few minutes with my father crying and pleading for my life on the floor, I started to feel like crying too. As tears were building up inside my eyes the man said:

" I hate seeing little girls crying."

Then, bjorn approached me patted my head and said:
" I like your eyes, they are so dreamy. It will be hard sorry. Kill the rebel, don't touch the girl and let's go. "

That being said, he left the room. My father looked at me and said: "l33p_futur01, sorry for everything"

Then a bullet came through his head and he dropped dead. Few minutes later I was left alone, with my father and best friend corpse lying around. I stayed there for about 6 hours, unable to move, unable to cry.

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