Scene 8: A New Friend

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oiHello, I am Mirai and I am what people call useless trash. My purpose in life is nothing. I was meant to kill the guy that will become a dictator and kill half of humanity.
Up until now the guy, named Naruse is just getting closer and closer to becoming the real Bjorn that will destroy earth. How do I know that ? Two events happened recently.

After getting close to him I found out he has his fare share of problems in life. However, I also found out he is working on a project about a device that manipulates people heart beats. He said it is to cure his sick sister, but the device he was describing seems to correlate with the potential power of the device he will use 10 years from now, in the first Bjorn attack on world's leader.
Second, he said a phrase that made me scarred to death: " I like your eyes, they are so dreamy ". You might think it is a normal compliment and that he is interested in me. But, his future self said the exact same phrase before killing my father.

Officially the information gathering phase is finished. I need to take actions. There is no room for error.
While I was thinking about the future, Mieruko approached me after school. I was getting ready to go home.

" Mirai, let's go to the game. Akira reserved special seats for us "

Ah I forgot there is this. Akira, a boy in our class has invited us to watch his game. He wanted to go out after. I didn't want to go. Mieruko forced me to.

While we were going Mieruko grabbed someone by his hoody. It was Naruse trying to escape.
" Do that again and I will tell Risa and always come with Mirai to sleep at your house  "
She said to the guy terrorizing him.

" Now everyone, let's go to the game. "

So we went to the basketball court that was a 5 minutes walk from the school.
We had seats on the bench. There was only two places though.
" I think I should go because there is only 2 places for Mirai and you " said Naruse to Mieruko.

Then Akira approached us with excitement.
" Ah Mirai, Mieruko I can't believe you came to watch me. "

" Yeah of course we won't miss the semi final" I said.

" We even brought a friend " Mieruko said.

" Hiii ... " said Naruse awkwardly waving his arm.

" Hello, Naruse, how unusual of you to come. Any friend of Mirai is also my friend. I will go bring you a chair "

And thus the game started. Naruse was watching intensively. He was never interested in anything and yet, it was the first time I saw him focused like that. Even Mieruko was confused about why he is so focused.
There was a pause for a moment during the match. I am not sure why as I am sleeping. From what I understood we are loosing. Like really really bad. During the pause all the sweaty players gathered around the coach near us. We could hear everything they are saying. Apparently Akira's performance was lacking. Some other player were also playing really bad.
I couldn't care less honestly.

The coach told them to focus on the defense and forget the attack for the moment. Akira was about to cry. It was a nice sight for me, I don't know why.

When the game resumed, Naruse who was sitting focusing on the game stood up.
" Where are you going " asked Mieruko.
" Come sit down, you won't be able to run, you have to watch the whole thing ... " I said.

He ignored us and went toward the coach with determination in his eyes. He then said directly:

" I will be honest with you, your strategy is completely wrong.  "

Mieruko hit my arm with astonishment.

The coach then said:
" Go away brat let me watch and analyse the game "

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