Scene 9: Reason of the strongest

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After the basketball game Akira started to come eat with us everyday. Our group gained another member. I am not sure if having Akira is good for my ultimate goal which is to assassinate Naruse, but let's go with the flow.
At some point I found myself having fun during our lunches.
From one side, you have Mieruko that always tries to tease Naruse to get him to talk. Then there is Naruse that always talked a little, but when he talked either criticized Akira basketball skills or said some weird things to us. And there was Akira always teasing Naruse about various stuff, like most recently the way he complimented us.

" Did you really tell Mirai, the girl sitting here that her eyes are dreamy ? Are you crazy ? Do you like creating cringe moments ? " said Akira.

" My methods to make friends are unconventional. " replied Naruse.
I noticed he started having more confidence and is interacting more with us.

" Tell me how many girls have you kissed before ? " said Akira

" Oh shut up Akira " said Mieruko

It was a nice thing to see. I wondered when things got so friendly between the four us.

Then one day Naruse skipped the first two periods. When he came back, he had dark shades under his eyes. His eyes were red, and his lip was trembling. Plus he hadn't shaved his beard.
I asked him what happened, he said:
" I made the biggest mistake in my life "

I immediately thought he killed someone. However he just got fired from his Job.


After all this time I was part of a group of people. There was even two girls in our group. Everything was going great. I even started looking forward to go to school. Before I thought it was a waste of time, everything can be learnt by oneself, why do we need people to teach us stuff we can find in a library or on the internet ?

It was of course not easy having a job and going to school, but ehhh, other people had it harder than me. Plus I can get a sentiment of satisfaction when I finish my day like saying to myself : " Congratulations, you finished your day, keep going ". What was more important is that some day eventually it will get better. And when it gets better, I will help people that are going through difficult time like me.

People like me are everywhere around the world. Life is hard. One question always bugged me though: Why there are no humanitarian association that is helping me ? I mean our family situation is not easy. Is it because we are migrant from iceland ? My mother is Japanese, I was born in Japan but I heard Risa are Bjorn were born in Iceland. Why do I care anyway...
If I make it, I will give zero of my money to these kind of associations. I will instead go seek the poor and help them myself. If someone asks me for food I will give it to them no matter what, even if that person looked like a drug addict. I felt hunger and I now it is hard. I won't buy the latest phone, I won't eat at the finest restaurant, I will live normally, even lower that most of people, and give the extra money to people like me.

I thought of that everyday when I went to work after school. At work I was basically just inventorying beer. I was counting and counting every night, every weekend. Sometimes I did some physical work, like transporting big boxes of beer to and from the production center. Sometimes I was sent to the fridge room where they stored fresh cold beers. I always felt pain in my stomach after going to the fridge room.
Honestly speaking I didn't like the job. It paid good but not great for a student. However, I had high hopes for this. I chose this job very carefully in fact. Now my salary is low but when I finish highschool, I can work there full time and not just inventorying and doing labor work. I can be considered a staff. Then my salary will triple ! College is out of question for someone like me, given the cost and my sick sister that needs me. My life is already drawn, school and job now then full time of that same Job. I will then be able to have the life that I wanted.
I will be able to help Risa and give money to the poor. Surely I liked inventing stuff and science. But without a college degree no one will take you seriously. It was a sacrifice I was gladly willing to take. I can always learn by myself if I wanted.

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