Scene 17: Aftermath

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**** Mieruko ****

Why is Mirai not answering my calls ? Did something happen to Naruse ?

Naruse may seem smart and independent but he is actually really sensitive and insecure. He is not the type to be able to lead his life on his own. He needs support, which is where I come in.

Not to brag about it, but I am the one who will lead him and support him to have a good life so we can go out together later.

However it has been 4 days that I haven't got any message from him. It is Thursday night. Mirai should have gone to his place to check on him. I should have been the one to go. But I felt like Mirai really wanted to go by herself.

She is not answering my calls. I know where she lives. It is near the school. Tomorrow morning, I will go to her place then walk with her to school. This way I can get her to talk about Naruse.

Friday Morning I woke up early. I prepared myself and went to Mirai place. She lives near the school so it wasn't that much trouble. I believe this is the building where she lives. It is still early so she should be preparing for school as well. I rang the doorbell. An old lady opened the door:

" Hello, I am a Mieruko, a friend of Mirai. We should be meeting to go to school together. "

" Good morning I am Ikuyo Yoshida, the landlord here. Come in. You can go left and upstairs to Mirai's room. If you go from the back you don't need to pass by me to visit Mirai. "

" Thank you so much have a nice day. "

What nice landlord. I feel something fishy about her, but still, there is an overall niceness.

I went to Mirai's place. From what I know, she lives alone because her family is in Iceland. She can have parties in her room. Lucky her.

I knocked at the door. I noticed it was open.

" Excuse me for intruding " I said.

Maybe I am overstepping my limits but it is kind of an urgent matter. Her door is open. She is not answering. She was meant to visit Naruse so ... I kinda have my excuse to enter.

I found Mirai sleeping with her normal clothes on. She looked tired. Just what happened yesterday. I looked around. It was a normal girl's room. It may need more posters.

She has an extra backpack that looks cool. A design I never saw before. People of Iceland have good taste.

I got close to her, and squeezed her cheeks.

" Wake uppppp Time for schoooll "

She woke up. She was emotionless.

" What's up with you ? I thought you should be ready by now ... " I said.

" ... "

She was looking at me with deep blank eyes.

" What happened yesterday ? Did something happen to Naruse ? "

" Well... Risa is dead and Naruse will no longer go to school I think ... " she said while looking at the ground.

" Hahaha, ... what anime did you watch yesterday ? "
This girl, she should know that there are stuff we shouldn't joke about.

" ... "

" Come on you are kidding. That is not funny... "

" Ah, he told me to give you this. "

She took out the bracelet and gave it to me.

Is she telling the truth ? She never lied to me before. No no that cannot be ...

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