Scene 16: Despair

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After walking the long road, I was finally there. I was in front of Naruse's house. While I was on the road, my phone kept buzzing. It was Mieruko who wanted to be kept up to date.

My plan was to take him by surprise. Risa might be there. No need for me to sneak in. I knocked . No one answered. I knocked again. Still no one.

It has been 15 minutes since I am standing in front of that door. Something seems off. It smells weird here. Hygiene may not be in the Hirose family DNA. Still, this smell seemed familiar. I just can't remember where I smelled this before.

" If you do not answer me I will force my way in. It may be illegal but we are Naruse's friends so he will pardon us. " I said.

It has been nearly one hour. I got no answers. At this point maybe there is no one in the house. The best course of action is to break in. Two scenarios can happen. If someone is in there, I can say I am Naruse friend and we are all worried ... the classic sophism speech. Else, I will just inspect the situation and lay some traps maybe like poison leftover food. No no it will be unwise. I will go in there and if there is no one I will just go away.

I opened the door easily enough. It was an easy door lock mechanism. Any amateur lock picker can do it.

When I opened the door the sense of smell became so strong. It is so familiar yet I cannot remember it. I closed the door behind me. It was dark inside. Outside the sun was setting down. Ah I remember when we visited here with Mieruko. Only nice memories of good sleep here. But really the smell It is making me wanna vomit.

I got inside. There was two pairs of shoes. Risa and Naruse. Are they inside ?

" Sorry for intruding the door was open ... " still no one answered. I went to the living room/kitchen. The lights were off. I did not turn them on. I sensed no presence of people in the house. I found some leftover food in  the fridge with a card saying: " To Naruse, I will be out on sunday, eat well this time ". It was rice with curry. I immediately though that this is it. This is my chance. If I don't do it now when will I do it then ?

I quickly pulled up my poison from my bag. The light of the fridge was the only light illuminating the room. I put some poison powder in the curry. Normally a little would be enough to kill an elephant. Even though I put half of what I have. I mixed well and put everything back in the fridge like it was before.

There was no noise in this small house. It was so calm. I need to check the bathroom I thought. The smell seems to be from there. The bathroom light were off. The bathroom was so dark compared to the kitchen. In the kitchen, because of the window you could see the orange light of the sun setting down, traversing through the curtain. However, in the bathroom there was no light. My eyes needed time to adjust.

I decided to turn on the light.

I saw it. I froze in place. It was the source of the smell. A women corpse lying on the ground. I remember now the smell. My father corpse smelled the same.

I couldn't move. That corpse had pale white skin and black hair. I recognized her directly. It was Risa.
Her pants were torn off. Her t-shirt cut from the top. There was some bruises here and there. There was no sign of fatal wound.

I approached her with hesitation and fear. I took my jacket and covered her intimate body part. From what I saw it is safe to assume that she was raped. I didn't know what to do. Hmmmm. What is that ? Tears...

I am crying. Why can't I stop crying ? Come on Mirai ... Stop crying ... I saw my father dies before, this couldn't be worst ... The tears couldn't stop flowing. I knew this girl for one day. Yet, seeing her like this made me feel sick. Now it is time for acting not sit back in despair...

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