Scene 10: Ending it

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I sat with Naruse to talk about how he left his Job. I felt a little bad acting that I am concerned by his life knowing that eventually I will be the one to end it for him.

" Why does this happen to me ? I wanted everything to be perfect so they take me as a full time employee there ... " he said.


I honestly didn't know what to say. Wait, maybe it is this event that made him become the worst dictator ever.

" Why do you need to work there ? You are a genius inventor, you can actually make a living by selling one invention "

He then looked at me puzzled and sad.

" I am not an inventor. I am just a loser who doesn't know how to interact with people. All my life I told my self it is OK but now it just cost me my job ... "

" Well find another Job. " I said.

We were sitting on the stairs that lead to the roof.

" I might just as well jump of the roof. You know, just close my eyes and keep walking gracefully with the wind brushing my face, not knowing when I will fall, acting like I am unconscious... "

" Yeah You shou.. "

I wanted to tell him it was a very good plan but then I heard footsteps. It was Mieruko and Akira. They both had a stunned and sad look on their faces.

" What did I just hear you say ? " said Akira.

" You know ... I was just kidding " replied Naruse.

Then out of nowhere SLAP

The slap was so hard it echoed in the stairway. And then Naruse had 5 little girly fingers marked in red on his face.
It was Mieruko. She slapped him so hard I felt the pain.

" I forbid you to even think about it. "

There was determination in her voice yet tears in her eyes.

" Your pain will not go away. It will only get passed to me and Risa. " she said.

Akira then said : " Come on Mieruko ... "

" Shut up Akira, you don't know anything. " she replied immediately.

" Promise me. Naruse. Just say that you will never ever think like that again " she said.

A silence fell upon us for 2 minutes.
Naruse was looking down. He couldn't meet eyes with Mieruko in front of him.

After a while Mieruko said: " I had High hopes for you "

While she was leaving Naruse said:
" I promise... to never think about it again. "

Mieruko left without looking back. It was as if she is crying but didn't want us to see her.

In my mind I thought that it was not something big, it is just a job to get some money. Then again, money is not a problem when you have it. If my father and Nikolai didn't give me money I would be living on the streets right. I wonder where they are in this timeline... I will need to visit them at some point. But now the big issue is this guy sitting next to me. He was about to kill himself and make my mission easy until Mieruko showed up.

Wait a minute here. Why didn't he kill himself in my timeline ? If it wasn't for me, Mieruko would have never met Risa and never started being friends with Naruse ... So Naruse would have always been depressed like he is now and killed himself. But he didn't kill himself and after what I saw today he won't...

This only means one thing. From what I see now, Naruse is currently in a deep depressed state. From the way he talks I would give him two weeks until he commits suicide. In this timeline he won't do it because of Mieruko. But in my timeline something must have happened that made him decide not to kill himself and take revenge on the world. I should be on high alert these next two weeks. Like really really high alert. Once Naruse become the Bjorn I know he will no longer be stoppable.

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