Scene 14: Failure and Expectations

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****** Naruse ********

I was on my way to the hotel to find Mirai. I know the girl hated me for some reasons but I am still worried about her. She is Mieruko friend after all. Plus she is from Iceland.

Normally I don't like seeing people from Iceland. Seeing them reminds me of my father who was born in Iceland. I never actually met him but I knew he was not a good man. Because of him, my mom had to leave Iceland and come to Japan. We even changed our family name to take my mom's. Even Risa and Bjorn used to avoid talking about him. So when I see people from Iceland it reminds me of our situation. On the other hand, I always felt a sense of responsibility to help people from Iceland without actually being friends with them. Mirai was different though, if she wants us to be friend I will gladly accept. Mainly because she is Mieruko friend.

When I saw Mirai in the store she was so pale.  I am not sure if it was because of me. I know her feelings towards me are a mix of fear and hatred, but this time it was different. I saw it in her eyes. It was the feeling of despair. I felt like she made a mistake that cannot be fixed. I need to help her if I can.

I arrived at the hotel. I asked the reception if they saw Mirai but no one knew. I decided to go in the girls room. I arrived at the door and knocked while saying :
" Hey ! Is there someone here ? " No answers.

I waited a little. Maybe a girl is changing her clothes in there.

" Mirai it is Naruse ? Are you here ? " No answer.

" I will enter if no one answers. It is kind of an emergency "

After a minute of waiting at the door I decided to enter. I saw girls clothing here and there. All the futons were empty... Except one. I approached the person under the futon.

" Mirai ... is that you under there ? " I asked quietly.

" Go away " she said.

In these kind of situation, I normally just go away. But this time no. I won't go away.

" No, I won't go away " I said.

After a minute of silence I said:

" Talk to me Mirai. Tell me what happened... Why were you so pale at the souvenir store ? what happened ? Why did you burst out like that ? "

There was no answer coming from under that blanket.

" I want to help you. Did someone bother you at the shop ? Was it the shop owner ? We can call the cops if you want ..."

" Go away. You are the last person I want to talk to right now " she said

" Fine, I will go get Mieruko and Akira. " I said.

Maybe it is better if she talks with a girl or a closer friend.

" No just leave me alone. I was meant to do something but I failed. I need time to reflect upon myself... " she said.

I understand that. How can I not understand that. When I was little I felt like Risa and Bjorn were expecting a lot of me. At first, they sacrificed a lot for me to be able to go to school normally. They thought I was smart pffft. What a joke. Look at me now. I got fired from my job because I was too friendly and gave my manager an opening. Bjorn would have been disappointed.
That is life though. You fail you learn you grow. You spiral between success and failure until you lose your sanity. On moments of failure you can count on people that cares for you to pull you up. If there is no one, you pick yourself up.
Me, I have Risa and Mieruko. I will work hard so Risa can have a good life. So we can buy a decent house, eat normally through the year. Nothing too fancy though. Just a normal life. Giving the rest of my earnings to poor people. Then after that, I will go be with Mieruko.

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