Scene 19: Christmas 1

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***** Mirai *****

I am depressed. I am such a loser. Not only I failed at killing Naruse, I even lost track of him. Probably now he is making his weapon that he will use to do the attack.

Even if I warned governments and people, they cannot do anything. A click of a button and half of humanity drops dead without even damaging insects around him. From my discussion with him the device was originally made to help Risa's heart. He must have modified it to target human's heart.
Ah Risa... Everytime I visualize her again I feel I wanna puke.

Knock Knock.
It is 8:00 pm. Is that my landlord? I already paid her this month though ...

" Who is it " I said.

" It is Akira and Mieruko, open up"

I opened up the door.

" Yikes it smells in here. " said Akira with a smirk.

I looked at him. He seemed sad. Mieruko as well. I haven't seen them in a while. I have been skipping school a lot lately.

" Can we come in Mirai ? We haven't seen you in a while so we were worried ... Although Akira already barged in ..." said Mieruko.

" Yeah come in, I am fine though ... " I said.

Who am I lying to ? Look at me. My hair in super greasy. My eyes are dark. My breath stinks. The room is a mess. There is ramen noodle cup and pizza everywhere.

" I talked with Inspector and Policeman Ueda.  " said Akira. " He told me personally that they are making progresses in the case and Naruse will be found soon... "

Mieruko looked down to the side. The weather is starting to be really cold. I haven't noticed before because the door was always locked. Lock Lock Lock my door is locked. I love fish and pizza... Get a grip of yourself Mirai. You are still sane. You can do this. I just need them to go away so that I can go back to my depressed and dark life.

" Thanks for visiting. I am good though. " I said.

I was expecting them to go away at this point. However there was just a weird silence.

" So how was school today ? " I asked to break the ice.

" Hmm. We had no school today ... " said Mieruko.

" Yeah it is the holidays... " completed Akira.

Good to go Mirai. I thought it was impossible to make this situation more awkward but look at me go...

" Christmas is this saturday. My family normally host this big dinner. " said Mieruko.

" Me we don't do these kind of stuff. Dad works in the hospital that day. Kento will not return home this year for Christmas. And mom .... " said Akira.

From where I come from, Christmas is never celebrated. I only know of Christmas from a history book I read.
I want them to leave. I want to be alone under my blanket in the dark, thinking about how I failed.

" Nice, have fun then ... I will go back to sle... "

" Actually, how about you two come celebrate Christmas at my place... " said Mieruko.

" hmm. "

" what !? "

" You know we can have a sleepover and everything. You will have a nice time. "

" Nah we can't possibly impose like that. Christmas if for family and stuff ... " said Akira.

The last thing I want is going to meet Mieruko family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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