Scene 13: A reminder

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Yesterday evening, while I was going to the restroom, I saw Naruse sneak away at night. Naturally I wanted Mieruko to confess to him. I wanted her to do it so she gets it off her chest. I mean Naruse will reject her. He is not the type of guy to go out with girls. Plus, if he is alone in front of Mieruko he may reveal his true evil sadistic self to her. This way they may split apart making Naruse an easier target. Plus it will be fun.

I told Mieruko and only Mieruko that Naruse is alone. When she returned to our room she was so red. Blood was overflowing in her cheeks. She was sweating a lot. It was a sight to see.

" Did he reject you " I asked.

The girls in the room started asking a lot of questions.
" Oh did she actually went to confess now ?? "
" What happened Mieruko ? Tell me tell me tell me "

She seemed embarrassed.
" Come on Mieruko. You were prepared for rejection anyways. Come sit here so we can make you forget about him " I said.

She came to sit down. Then said:
" He didn't reject me. "

What ? Did she really say that ?

" Oh So are you going out ? Are you both a couple now ? " one of the girls said.

" No. He said he cannot be in a relationship right now. So I proposed that I wait for him. He agreed. So we will go out in the future. " Mieruko said blushing.

" Ohh How romantic ! "
" Is this really happening. You are engaged to be engaged... "

Among all the positive reactions a girl said :
" Is Naruse worth it ? I mean by the time he will be ready he might be bold from stress. The boy is always stressed with greasy hair. He is even losing hair a little. "

What the heck is that comment. Ah, that is what they mean when they say girls can be hurtful.

However Mieruko wasn't perturbed by it. She instead said :
" Don't worry, he is worth the wait. I accept him even if he becomes bold. "

" Mieruko you don't have to answer such people " I said.

Thus our first night of this trip ended on a weird note.

The next day we went to have breakfast at the hotel before visiting the historic shrine.
I know that sometimes people take some decisions at night and regret everything in the morning. Maybe Mieruko will be like that ?

However that was not the case. During breakfast we met the boys group there. She immediately detached from our group and went to go eat next to Naruse.

" Hey Mirai, let's go join them " said Akira when he saw me.

" Umm didn't Naruse tell you ? " I asked.

" hmmm "

After updating Akira about yesterday events he blurted out:

" That little bastard came to our room and went to sleep directly. He didn't even tell me anything. I will have two words with him later. Anyway I am happy for them. "

" Yeah so let's watch them from far away. You know like an experiment. "

" Yeah let's not bother them haha "

What was that about waiting for him ? They are already acting like a couple. Come on Mieruko I can see you are touching hands under the table. Well, not that I care anyway.

" By the way Akira where is Kento ? "

" Don't know, don't care" he said while eating cabbage.

" You know tomorrow morning he is supposed to take us back to the school. "

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