Scene 4: First Encounter

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Sunday past really fast. I am 16 years old and so is Bjorn now. If dad calculated everything correctly we must be in the same grade but not sure in the same class.

I arrived at the school and went directly to the principle office. There the lady greeted me and welcomed me to Japan. She was very friendly and even told me to seek her help if I ran into any kind of problems in Japan.
Then she told me where my class is. I was in class C apparently. My homeroom teacher was a guy named Takashi Tanaka.

When I arrived to my classroom door I heard him saying:
" So today we have a new transfer student, she is from Iceland. Come on you can enter".

When I entered the classroom I saw a bunch of highschool teenager. It was nice to see people my age for a change but the odor of hormones was disgusting. I scanned the room quickly while I entered. Bjorn was not here. There was no Blond guy with Japanese eyes. I did a little assessment of the power of each student. My conclusion was fast. If I wanted I could bring down the whole class including the teacher in under 7 minutes leaving them with permanent injuries. In other words I was not in danger here.

" I am Takashi Tanaka. You can call me Takashi-sensei. Maybe you can present yourself "

" I am Mirai Chiba. I am here for my two years of highschool. Thank you for having me "

" Welcome Mirai, go sit in front of the empty chair. Well Everyone I expect you to treat her well "

I hear some guys and even girls saying that I am cute. It helped me knowing who to blacklist.

5 minutes after the teacher started the lesson a boy came running.
" Sorry for being late. My alarm did not ring. It is the first and last time ..." said the boy.

" Akira, you know the school regulation. I will not make it a problem but I cannot let you in until next period so you learn your lesson" said Takashi with a grin on his face.

The boy went back, a little annoyed.
I was not taking notes as the subjects they are studying are actually pretty basics. Basic trigonometry and analysis.

10 Minutes later another boy opened the door of the class. He was wearing a very big hoody with an eagle on it. The hoody was so big so it was possible to fit like 3 people in it. He was blond but with Japanese eyes. I froze immediately. I wanted to run and strangle him to death. It was him, Bjorn.

" Sorry for being late again ... "

Hi voice made me shiver down to my spine. I froze in place. It was fear. I recalled my father begging for his life 3 days ago. Everything I was seeing or feeling right now seemed like a dream. Am I really back in time ? In a school with teens and the man that killed my father and millions of others ? I needed to control my breathing. My training all these years taught me how to control my anger and anxiety.

The teacher just nodded and Bjorn entered. Bjorn passed next to me and sat just right behind me. He was smelling of cigar and alcohol. He was looking down all the time. He never looked at any other student.
He didn't have a backpack. He didn't even took out any pencil. He just came in, sat down and fell a sleep on the desk.

Suddenly a girl said:
" Sensei, why you always let Naruse in and others like us and Akira need to wait for the next class when we are late ? "

Then all the students started agreeing with her.
" Plus he always sleep in class "
"Yeah and he smells too ... "

While others were criticizing him, Bjorn was just sleeping. Wait a minute. Did she say Naruse ? It is Bjorn we are talking about right ? The boy that came in late ... Am I mistaken or anything ? No no ... I cannot be. It is a 100% Bjorn. The voice, the eyes the hair even the posture is Bjorn. I cannot forget these details.

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