Scene 3: Settlement

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When I woke up I found myself on green grass. The sun was starting to set up. I looked around me. it seemed like a football terrain. I read these were all destroyed and turned to camps for homeless under the Bjorn regime. So the time travel did really work. I need to check the year. I didn't kept track of it before because I just didn't care.

The first thing I thought about was why did Nikolai just touch the Uranium bare handed. Was he this ignorant about the danger of radioactivity.
Nevertheless I needed to move and quickly. I needed to deliver my letter to the address on it.

I went up to the bike route. I walked a little and after a while I saw a big truck emptying trash.

I asked : " Hello do you know Bjorn ? "

The guy said : " Doto speaku engirishu "

I forgot I should stop speaking Nordic. I switched to japanese and he said:

" Ah welcome to Japan you speak japanese very well. Is bjorn a singer from your country ? "

So I was really back in time. Everything is fine. I just need to relax. I need to relax.

" Do you know where I can find this address sir ? "

" As it is about 20 minutes walk from here. Follow the bike route to the convenience store then left from there follow the path down hill. When you arrive to the public high school turn left and it is just 5 min from there. "

People here were friendly. This man is probably dead from where I am from. Because of the bjorn attack, the economy was destabilized. Countries applied policies to get rid of people by limiting healthcare and food. The first one to collapse were elders. This guy must be like 70 years old in my future.

I followed the bike route and admired the beauty of nature. It was really unlike the future where there is trash everywhere and children crying on the streets. I arrived at the convenience store and bought something to eat. It was actually the first time I use money in my life. It is very efficient in this time. I never heard of a currency in my future. I heard about Bjorn banning currencies here and there without a care in the world.

I finally arrived to my destination. It was a little house. I knocked on the door and an old lady opened the door for me.

" We don't need scout cookie please go away "

" I have a letter for you Miss "

I gave her the letter she then thanked me and closed the door. Well, that was anticlimactic. Nikolai told me there is money in thay letter and that my father has set all the things up for me to get a bed to sleep on here. What is the matter then ? Did she not expect me... What an idiot I am, how can she expect me. I needed to ask her to open the letter immediately.

After about half an hour sitting at the front of the old lady front door, I heard running from inside the house. Few seconds the door was opened fiercely.
" Ahh Are you Miss Mirai ?"

" Yeah... "

" I am Ikuyo Yoshida. I gladly accept to give you the room for your three years of high school here. Come on in I will let you visit so you put your backpack in your room. "

She had a very decent house, bigger than my old room. She explained that her son graduated and moved to Tokyo. She basically occupied the first floor and I will occupy the second. I had my own bathroom and kitchen. Not like I am a pro at cooking.

*As your father specified in the letter, I will call the school to enroll you as a transfer student. You come from Europe, You will enjoy life here... I will let you set in quietly as I deal with the administrative process."

I opened my backpack. I saw some clothes in it. I also saw a gun and some poison and other tools I used during my training all these previous years.
There was also a letter. On it was written" From Sadao ". I needed to open it but as soon as I saw my father handwriting my chest starting to hurt again. I remembered him with a bullet in his head, his body decomposing as I am looking at him in my white room. I have to open it.

Dear Mirai,

If you are reading this letter that means I am dead. If I am still alive and you happen to have this letter, please do no read it.

First What I wanted to do is apologize. I have been using you to build a human weapon that will kill Bjorn. I took your freedom from you by keeping you in the facility so you can train everyday. I am not regretting that because trust me, the outside world is not sunshine because of Bjorn.

What I am regretting is not being able to spend time with you.

Second, when you are reading this there are two scenarios. The first one is that the time travel failed. Then if I were you I would use the gun to kill myself. There is no hope in this world ruled by Bjorn. It is your choice.
The second scenario is that time travel worked.
Then, I have a last selfish request to make. When you kill Bjorn, make it so no one knows it was you. Meaning I need you not only to kill him but to assassinate him.
As you already realize it, where you are now will be your home. In your world you don't have a time machine and probably won't. Plus even if you have one it is impossible to access Uranium in Japan.
So I want you to have a normal and happy life after assassinating Bjorn.

I am sorry I can't be with you when you need me. The women with you is a nice women. We did some research and found out she was renting a room near the school. I gave her all the document needed so she can enroll you as soon as possible.

I trust you will do what you have to do.

Your loving father"

I started crying as soon as I finished reading the letter. I took a promise to stop crying from now on. All I need to do is assassinate Bjorn and everyone will be happy including me.

That night, Mrs Yoshida told me I was successfully enrolled at the high school. Monday was going to be my first day. The first day I arrived to this world was apparently a Saturday.

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