Scene 7: Understandings

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Ok to be honest, I should have kept my eyes open. I was sleeping in the house of the sister of a future dictator that killed many men, women and children. What happened instead is that I slept like a log. I mean I slept really really well.

When I woke up Mieruko was still sleeping. She was drooling like a toddler. Risa, on the other hand was not there.
That's it I thought to myself. This house isn't even their house and she succeeded in setting us up. Now when the real owner of the house will arrive we will be accused of trespassing.
I woke up Mieruko.
" Ahh, I want to eat strawberries too teacher ... "

I will deal with her dreams later. I told her we need to go because we will be late for school.

When we got up to go out of the house we saw Risa standing with Naruse. He looked very angry. Risa gave each of us a paper bag with a sandwich as lunch.

" Come on Naruse, accompany your friends to school and have a good day. Mieruko and Mirai don't hesitate to come back here anytime you want."

I looked at Naruse. He was wearing his hoody and smelling like beer. Me and Mieruko got to the bathroom to get ready for school.
Then, we three walked away as Risa was waving goodbye.

The way to the school was very long and quiet. It was Mieruko that broke the silence:
" You have a very nice and friendly sister Naruse. You are trying to hide her from us " said Mieruko joking.

However Naruse didn't react. Then Mieruko said:
" Look I am mature enough to know when I have done something wrong. I am sorry for being harsh on you all these time. Can you forgive me ? "

" Yeah I guess ... " said Naruse. " Can I just add one thing ? "

" Ah of course " said Mieruko " It is the first time you interact with me. You can say whatever you want "

" Ok, I am not sure if you two are aware of what you just did. One, what you did is called aggravated stalking. Two, don't think Risa is an idiot she saw through your game from the beginning. She even got a call from the people staying in our old house that one of you visited there. Three, what you did is dangerous on your life because sleeping at an incognito women house is just so risky. Risa could have easily poisoned your tea but she instead just gave you herbal... "

Mieruko and I looked down. Then there was a silence for like 10 minutes.
" It is your first time speaking with me and this is what you say... Ok we are sorry ... " said Mieruko.

" I forgive you. Risa told me to take care of both of you and try and become your friend for real ... " Then he added :
" Anyways ... thank you, you two, I felt Risa was genuinely happy ... "

After a long walk with many cringe moments we arrived at the school. This time Naruse was not late, we arrived on time. Before we entered class Naruse said: " I need to go to sleep ".

When we entered class we were greeted by Akira.
" Mirai, ... You ditched me yesterday... You too Mieruko... I waited for you two you know ... "

" Ah sorry, something urgent came up ... "

" Well we won the game. You will have to come watch my game next time ok ? "

" Yeah surely no problem. When is it ? "

" It is next weekend. We will go out after ok Mirai? "

" Yeah of course we will... " I said.

While I was talking with Akira, Naruse just went to his normal desk to sleep. The first period went by normally.
However on lunch things took a different turn. When Naruse got up to leave the class and go eat behind the storage room, Mieruko stopped him. She did me some signs to approach her.

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