Scene 5: A failed Visit

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Hello everyone my name is Mirai. Basically I am a school bully now. I stole the lunch of a kid and nearly strangled him to death. All that on my first day of school.

I mean who leaves a note like that in a kid launch. " Don't bring it back to me Naruse ". This guy is really picky about his food. Plus who is that Risa ? And why is everyone calling him Naruse, this is Bjorn we are talking about. Did the guy clone himself to Bjorn before becoming evil ?
It was then I noticed that I missed the most important step in every successful assassination: Information Gathering. I needed to know what is going on in Bjorn life right now. Who were these kids from behind the storage room ?

The next days Bjorn did not come to school. Neither the day after. I was starting to get worried. Did I miss my chance to kill Bjorn. Will stop coming to school from now on ? It wasn't until one morning when the teacher said:

" Naruse is sick. Can someone bring him the notes ? "

None wanted to go visit him. Man this boy must be really hated here. It was my chance to go visit him. Maybe I can go for a night assassination in his room ... Yeah it may be the best solution.

After the class I went to the teacher room. I saw Takashi sensei.
" Sensei I volunteer to bring the notes and homework to Bjorn "

" Who is Bjorn ? Ah you mean Naruse ?"

" Yeah Yeah Naruse of course "

" Ah it is nice to see him have a friend. I always thought he will live all his highschool years alone"

" Sensei do you know some stuff we don't? "

" Well I can't really tell you ... I am not sure myself you see ... Noo I shouldn't... "

" Come on sensei, I am his friend you know ... "

" Well all I can say is that this boy is a genius. He has some issues for sure. But overall he is a good kid ... Here are the notes, and here is his address. "

The address given was 15 minutes walk from the school. When I arrived there I saw a normal sized house with a yard. I knocked and a women opened me:
" Hello Miss, I am here from the school to bring Naruse Hirose homework "

" Oh dear, the Hirose family does not live here anymore. They moved out "

Oh mann ... Did they already move out. I started panicking. If he moved out I wouldn't be able to kill him. The history will repeat itself. People will die because I was incompetent. I was wrong for nearly strangling him to death. I should have controlled myself

" When did they move out ? And where ?"

" Ah they moved out 2 years ago. I don't really have their address but I have the number of the landlord if you want. It is a women called Ikuyo Yoshida. "

Isn't that my landlord too ? She gave me the number and it was confirmed. Mrs Yoshida is a good lady. She may tell me where they live now.

When I get back home I waited for Mrs Yoshida. She was out buying some groceries. I help her with the bags when she got it.
" Mirai do you want to join me for dinner ? " she asked.

" No thank you Mrs Yoshida. I have a lot of homework I need to get done. By the way I have a question for you. I went to the Hirose household to deliver some notes... "

" Mirai dear don't get involved with the Hirose. "

The atmosphere got really tense. I know but I need to kill Bjorn aka Naruse. Is what I wanted to say.

" About two years ago they stopped paying me rent. So I had the kick them out. I gave them a delay of three months you know. They still owe me money by the way. But in the end I need to live too and pay my son College fees in Tokyo. "

Ok. There is still chance.
" Do you know where they live now ? "
" Not at all. I hope they are far from me now ... I don't like when I have to deal with people like that ... "

I decided to take this opportunity to learn more about the family.

" How many people where they in the family? "

" Ahh I don't know a lot. I was mainly interacting with the lady of the house, Risa Hirose. From my memory there are two other children, Naruse and Bjorn. One is older than the other...."

What did she say ? Naruse is not Bjorn then... I stole the launch and nearly killed the wrong person. But it is impossible, he looks like the Bjorn I met when I was in the future. I see, it is his twin brother, there is no other explanation.

That night I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what may have happened if I killed the wrong guy. Naruse is not Bjorn then. That is why I remember he asked me how do I know Bjorn. It also seems Naruse is a genius because he has full grades everytime in class. Ahhh.... I need to make this clear but I don't know how...

The next day I went to school. We had math the first period. I met with Akira on my way to the school. He started talking about a sport called basket. I never heard of it before. He even invited me to watch his match and go eat afterwards. He was a good guy so I said yes. When we arrived to class I told Mieruko about the match so she can join us. Akira seemed upset that she will join us.

While we were talking about the match, someone came in, it was Naruse. Like always he reeks the smell of smoke and alcohol. Is this guy an alcoholic ? If my theory about him having Bjorn as his twin brother is correct, then his alcoholism is justified.
He came in silently and sat behind us. He wanted to sleep so I said:

" You don't say Good morning ? "

He looked at me and said:
" Sorry, I ... "

These where the same eyes that looked at me, that day before ordering the murder of my father. I can't be mistaken it is him, Bjorn.

" Oh shut up you. You have no manners, you always smell and even think you are better than us because you have good grades " silenced him Mieruko.

Naruse than looked down and said:
" I am sorry ..."

" Didn't your parents teach you about manners ? Or are they like you ? "

I was genuinely impressed. I took a mental note to never be hated by Mieruko because she can kill me with her words.

" Sorry ... " said Naruse.

It was then that the teacher came in. The day went by slowly but steadily. This time I kept an eye on Naruse. Like always on lunch time Naruse went to the back storage room. That time I saw no one else but him. It was my chance to approach him.

" Where do you live ? " I asked him.

He jumped out in surprise when he saw me. There was still marks of the time I nearly strangled him to death.

He didn't answer. Instead he just looked at me. I saw in his hand a similar paper bag. I knew it was his lunch.

" Who is Risa by the way, Bjorn ? "

" Do not call me Bjorn ... and .... Can you please leave me alone ? "

It was the first time I heard him speaking this much. His voice made my spine shiver. I decided to take my mission to the next level.

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