Scene 2: Purpose of life

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6 hours after the accident I saw a feint light from the door that was still open. There was a fog and it was already night time. The bodies in the room... started to smell. I quickly covered myself with the blankets to hide from any potential intruder. I heard footsteps coming inside the room.

" What a shame ... " a voice said.

Then, after about 3 minutes of silence, I peeked from under the blanket. I saw a short man, bald, with big glasses that he took off to wipe out what seemed to be tears.

" Sadao, I wanted to tell you that I finished building the machine from blueprints you stole from Bjorn, all I needed was the ... sniff ... "

And he started crying and crying for 10 minutes straight...

He then sat down, put a bottle of whiskey in front of him and said :
" To a plan that may have changed the world, to a promise that will never be kept, to a friendship that will never end ... "

And he started drinking. That is when he noticed me from under the blanket. He became red from surprise, I could actually see it on his bald head.

" Who are you, get out of there I have a gun .. "

I uncovered the blanket hiding me, and tried to say : " Yo, you are my father friend " but all I could hear was : " Yyy "
I gave up on talking.

" Are you by any chance, Mirai ? "

I looked down giving a yes response.

The man dropped the bottle and approached me as if he was approaching a sensitive deer or something. As if I was a hologram or something.

" I am Nikolai, Sadao friend. You see that Sadao ? There is a little chance also, Bjorn man missed a girl because she was hiding under a blanket ... These idiots yess yess ! "

After a little dance he said: " So where is the condensed Uranium ?? I have everything prepared. We can put everything to the test now. "

I looked confused. Why the heck should i know where to find Uranium ?

" Forget it, I know where it is. This old guy always kept everything in his safe. Ah fuck, I need the code ... "

The man suddenly started sweating like a pig. He even started eating his nails, not biting, literally eating.

" Ah darn it, It is a matter of time before bjorn comes after me too why do i care ... "

"l33p_futur01" I said with a weak voice.

" You speak leet girl ? Are you a geek ? "

" Those are my father last words ... "

The man face brighten up. He went running up the building. After 15 minutes or so he went down with a weird suitcase and said:
" Hop on Dragonrider we can still do it today before it is too late "

Ok, Dragonrider ? What the heck is Dragonrider ? Plus I still haven't recovered from my father and the bullet in his head.

" Come on ... " He started shouting. He dragged me by force we hopped on his bike.
After 25 minutes we arrived into the woods. I thought that I will be joining my father and the guard really soon.

There we went to a specific tree. He then put his hand on one of its branch and started speaking some numbers. After few seconds a small part of the floor behind the tree splitted in two. It was a hidden door. He then took his bike and went down.

" Come on Mirai, we have no time ... "

At this point I just followed him without thinking. He left his vital points wide open. If he tries anything funny I can easily take him down. The most important thing is to act before he gets near a gun.

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