Scene 12: A Confession

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What is the deal with this guy ? Kento the brother of Akira. He kept asking weird question to me, Mieruko, Naruse and Akira. I don't know how to feel about him. What is his purpose ?

However, thanks to him I got a glimpse of what is happening inside Naruse's mind right now. Either he is lying or still haven't decided to kill everyone.
Kento is straight forward but seems good hearted. He dropped us at the hotel and left. The school bus hadn't arrived yet. It was noon.

To my surprise there was the same girl we saw 3 days ago, Chise Tanimoto. She was getting out to go buy some groceries.
She saw us and stopped :
" Oh hey you, hey Naruse. What are you doing here ? "

" We have a school trip here " said Mieruko with a hint of anger in her voice.

" Okay ... I am glad to see you going out and having fun Naruse " she said.

What does that suppose to mean. While she was being eyed by Mieruko and Akira we then saw kento entering the hotel.

" Hey, Mieruko you forgot your phone in my car. Your mom is texting you to know why you got a Bad grade at the japanese exam "

" Don't read my texts youuuu " said Mieruko

Then, out of nowhere Kento expression changed.
We all noticed it. It was super obvious. The cause of this was Chise.
" Ah, I know you right ? We were together in highschool the year my family moved to Tokyo right ? " said Chise after looking at Kento for 30 seconds.

Well, the world is small what can i say. It is your chance Kento. However it was clear that he was so shocked and embarrassed he couldn't say anything. Naruse then broke the awkward situation :

" Mister Kento, can you stay with us for the school trip ? I know you are studying to become a surgeon and I have some questions to ask you about a project I am working on. "

" Okay, if you insist Naruse " said Kento.

It is an interesting turn of event. Naruse in being kento wingman. I don't really care about all of this. I need to kill Naruse. Maybe in this trip it will my chance to kill him and pass it as an accident. I wanted to assassinate him before, but we were never alone. I am never alone. He is never alone. There are zero openings. If only I can make it an all out attack, kill him then see what happens. It will be so much easier. However I promised that I will have a nice life after this. That what the letter from my father is about.

However, at this point I am not sure if I am making excuses to myself. Without lying to myself, I don't feel the same hatred I felt toward him before.

As I was thinking about that, we got into our rooms. The teachers seperated girls and boys. I was in a room with the girls and just next to us was the room with the boys. Above us was a floor with individual rooms. Kento must have taken a room there. Speaking of which, because of Kento I know that Naruse has a crush on either me or Mieruko. This may be a weak point for later who knows.

It was noon. At the end of the floor there was a common bath, japanese style. We decided to take turns. The girls would go shower first, then the boys. After we finished bathing we saw the boys waiting at the door of the bath. They starting clapping when we passed near them. Naruse was no where to be seen between them, but Akira was there.

After that, we went to our room and did a big circle. Thus started the girl talk. They talked about a lot of stuff. It was super boring. From celebrity, to fashion and makeup. I stood there nodding without really understanding. Then at some point they started ranking the boys.

They started comparing a lot of stuff, from hair style to clothing etc. The first one on the list is Akira. However the last one on the list was Naruse. I found it funny. All the girl badmouthed him, saying he is weird and that he always wore that old hoody, that he smelled like beer before but now he stopped smelling... How he is unsociable, does not eat with anyone and so on.
While I was enjoyed this fine criticism on Naruse, I started feeling a kind of boiling sensation in my heart. I couldn't explain it. Was I actually bothered that these brats are making fun of him ? Why did I just call them brats ??

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