Scene 15: Return Home

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The morning came pretty quickly. Kento was there. I thought he ditched us.

" Ok, so this time I want Naruse to sit back in the middle. Akira you sit next to the driver. Of course I don't give you a choice or I will leave you all here... " said Kento.

We all sat like Kento wanted.

" Where were you all the time ? Did you actually stay at the hotel " asked Mieruko.

" Hmm... Very good question. I can tell you if you want. "

" Yeah I want to know too. At some point you were never in your room. Of course you didn't even bother to answer my messages... " said Akira.

" Hmmm... Very good remarks. I can tell you, but if I do I cannot untell you... right Naruse ? "

" Yeahh... Let's say we all had fun during this trip. " said Naruse looking a little embarrassed.

" So I will drop you all at the school. I will then be taking Akira from the school to our house. Is that Ok for everyone? "

We all agreed. The road was empty because it was a sunday morning. We arrived pretty quickly. Kento didn't even had the chance to tease us like he did before.

We arrived at the school. Kento spoke some words alone with Naruse. I didn't know they were close. Akira said see you tomorrow and then went with his brother.

" You should have told Kento to drop at your house. You know you live far away. " said Mieruko.

" Hein ... I like walking the route now ... "

Wait maybe it is my chance to follow him now and kill.

" Even if you like walking you could have said... " was saying Mieruko when Naruse interrupted her.

" Look Mieruko " said Naruse " I I ... have something, I bought a, ... a gift ... more like you know, a souvenir... If you don't like it you can throw it away... It is not the best gift out there ... "

He then took out a bracelet. It was blue with some calligraphy on it. To describe in few words It was low quality compared to what Mieruko wore everyday.

" Here... It is a bracelet from the gift shop. " said Naruse.

Mieruko eyes lit up as she was taking the bracelet from his hand.

" You didn't have to Naruse... It is so nice. I will wear it everyday. " she said with a smile.

" You really don't have too. I know it has nearly no value compared to what you normally wear. Sorry I couldn't do better. " he said.

Ok, I felt I needed to leave the scene. But it was fun I couldn't go away. The man screwed up giving a gift. I mean who says that his gift is worthless. He even apologized for giving such a gift.

Mieruko just smiled as Naruse was turning red. I think he realized he was making everyone uncomfortable.

" At least tell me you got yourself one so we match. " she said with her kind smile.

" Ah yes yes of course, here. " said Naruse.

" You better wear it everyday too. " said Mieruko.

Naruse eyes sparkled.
" Yes yes of course I will. " he nodded.

I don't know why I felt like he was a loyal simple man. More like a dog at this point. However this dog can bite really hard. I need to take him down.

" Let's go Mirai. See you tomorrow Naruse." said Mieruko.

For a moment there I could sense the joy in Mieruko voice. Ok you know what, for today I will let Naruse go away. It is sunday, so maybe there will be a lot of people on the road. If I do it monday people are likely to be at work.

On my way to my home I sensed Mieruko joy. She was constantly staring at the bracelet and smiling.

" You see Mirai. Naruse loves me. " she said while humming.

" Yeah yeah ... " I said.

She is really simple minded when it comes to Naruse.

" We even got matching bracelets " she said.

Sadly it will be a memento when I kill him.

When I got back to my house I kept starring at the backpack I brought from the future. I kept reading the letter my father wrote. I couldn't sleep that night. Tomorrow after school I will follow him and kill him. I will then hide his body in the no-man-land near his house.

Morning came. I went to school. First period started. However Naruse was not here. Second period started and still no one. Why is he not here ? I am stressing out.

At launch I went to see Mieruko and Akira.

" Hey do you know why Naruse isn't here today " I asked.

" No ... He told me he will start a job hunting campaign, so maybe he took some time off school for that ... " said Akira.

" Still it is wrong to not have a way to contact him. I will ask for his phone number... " said Mieruko blushing a little.

" Does he even have a phone... " said Akira.

Basically he is job hunting now. No need to worry. If I cannot assassinate him today, I will do it tomorrow. Maybe it is fate...

Tomorrow came. The second period started. Naruse was not here.

Then again the day after he did not come. Neither the day after that. Is there a possibility that he knew my plan all this time, that he was just acting and playing with us... No... it can't be ...

On Thursday Mieruko came to me: " Hey Mirai, I am starting to get worried about Naruse. Maybe he is sick or something... "

" Yeah me too. " I replied.

" Should we go check on him ? " she asked.

" If you go to Naruse house, I will go too " it was Akira popping out of nowhere.

This is bad. If we all three go to him I won't be able to kill him.

" We shouldn't go all three. Their house is small plus if he is sick we might get sick also ... I propose just one person go " I said.

" In that case let Mieruko go. She is his girlfriend. He will be happy to see her hahaha " said Akira.

" We are not going out... yet " said Mieruko scolding Akira.

" No, I will go. If he is sick he will feel bad for getting in touch with Mieruko. " I said.

Mieruko seemed disappointed. Akira a little bit surprised. I didn't care though. I will go, see him and kill him. I am not the bad guy here. It is an easy formula. Naruse need to be killed or half of humanity will disappear.

" Send me an sms to tell me what is going on " said Mieruko.

After school that day I set off to go to Naruse's home. Before that I went to my house. I packed my bag with some stuff, mainly a thin rope, in case I needed to strangle him, effective poison I found in my backpack from the future, a small yet effective retractable knife. Also I had this lighter in case I needed to burn something.

If he is running away from me, I will go find him. I know I will not be a hero after this. It is fine with me though, I never wanted to be one.

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