Scene 6: A place called home

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After school I decided to follow Bjorn home. This guy gave the school a fake address. Having a false Identity is possible. This is why he calls himself Naruse. I am sure of it now. Naruse and Bjorn are the same person. What is left for me to do is to know where he lives, assassinate him in his sleep and go on with my life. To know where he lives I decided to follow him after school. It is super easy to follow someone without being noticed. I learned about it during my training time.

However I encountered a problem. The problem was a girl named Mieruko. For the last couple of days she has been sticking with me for a part of the after school route. It was impossible to get rid of her.

" So Mirai, let's go to Akira game today it will be fun "

Ah I remembered the game also. However the world safety is more important.

" I can't actually I have something personal to do "

" What ? Is it a boy ? I want to come see for myself. You are so innocent you don't know if a boy is taking advantage of you ... "

Come on ... What part of personal did she not understand. Do I need to kill her too ?

" Mirai, do you not want your BFF to come with you ? "

" Ok but it will be difficult I will explain on my way "

Mieruko looked really confused. I explained to her that Naruse is giving the school a fake address. I told her about how the teacher wanted me to deliver some notes to him and how I got to the other house address. I told her I even suspect him to have a fake identity.

" I alway knew something is wrong with this boy. He always smell of alcohol on him. I am in let's follow him. "

Of course I did not tell her that this boy she was speaking harshly too probably killed her entire family in 10-20 years from now ...

We started following Naruse. He walked 10 mins. He didn't notice us. Then the 10 minutes became 20 minutes. Then the 20 minutes became 30 minutes. At that point Mieruko started to complain about how tired she was. Night was about to set. After about an hour and 20 minutes walking Naruse arrived in front of a house. It was a very small house like a cabin. You needed like 20 minutes from his house to get to the closest real habitable area. He then entered his house.

" Mirai, this is kind of creepy. Who lives in a place like this away from people ? Look there is not even internet signal here ... "

" You see Mieruko I told you it is not going to be easy. "

" And now what ? I don't know how to get back and it is starting to get dark "

Mieruko had a point. I didn't think this through. If I was alone I would camp nearby but I had a normal girl with me.

After 10 minutes, Naruse got out of his house. We immediately hid ourselves with Mieruko.

" It is our chance Mieruko ! Let's see if someone is in his house "

While Mieruko was getting scared I Knocked on the door of the house. After 5 minutes we started hearing some foot steps inside. Then suddenly the door opened.

" Hello, how can I help you young girls ? "

We were greeted by a women in her twenty. She was so pale with kind of greasy hair. Even with that, she was pretty. Mieruko eyes sparkled when she opened the door for us.

" Are you miss Risa by any chance ? "

" Yeah and you two might be ? "

It is then that Mieruko said:
" We are Naruse classmate. We got lost while sight seeing in this area. Do you have internet so we can order a Taxi ? "

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