'every note sounded effortlessly perfect'

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the door swung open and Connor threw himself around my body, "I promise we're going to sort everything out okay?" he assured me, I let my body sink easily into his as he pulled me from the bathroom.

"Let's go out tonight, we can go to the Leo club down the road from here" he stated, I just rolled my eyes - I liked to drink just as much as most guys but now just didn't feel like the time - Connor threw a floral shirt at me and a pair of boots "we're going out" he demanded as he text someone (I assume it's James).

After about ten minutes of protesting I finally gave in and allowed Con to take me out, as we approached the club I felt my stomach drop into the pit of my chest as James and Tristan both stood outside, "Hey Con" Tristan announced as he waved at the younger boy, I felt his gaze momentarily fall on me as I stared awkwardly at the floor, Tristan lead the group into the club before instantly darting off into the centre of the club. He literally just ignored my entire existence just like I knew he would.

I pushed myself away from both Con and James the more the drank as they became less aware of their surroundings and more importantly less aware of the original reason we had come here anyway.

I sat myself in a corner of the club, nursing at my vodka and coke when a blonde girl approached me, she was slightly shorter than me (well at the moment I'd say she was my height but she's wearing heels so yeah) and wore a body hugging black dress that came to just before her knees, she looked beautiful to be honest, it was a classy choice as apposed to what most girls choose to wear out.

"Hey, you're Brad aren't you?" she asked nervously in her subtle Californian accent, I smiled up at her "hey, urm yeah" I said before letting out a small awkward laugh "would you mind if I had a photo? I understand if you don't want too or you're busy" she said, she twiddled her fingers together nervously which made me smile "of course, I'd love too, what's your name?" I asked as I posed with the blonde for a photo "Trinity" she responded as the blood rushed to her cheeks and they glowed a cute shade of pink.

"Fancy joining me for a drink?" I asked smiling at her, of course I don't mean it in the way that it could be intended, she seems nice and I just want to talk to someone unattached from this whole situation.

We sat together for about an hour, I learnt her name was Trinity Matthews, her parents were both teachers and she was eighteen, she knew a bit about The Vamps - she wouldn't class herself a fan but she likes our music - and she plays guitar and sings "come on you have to show me you singing" I pleaded, she just laughed and shook her head "I have a cover on YouTube like it's not amazing but..." Before she could even contemplate finishing her sentence I cut her off, "what do I search?" I beamed causing another giggle to escape her lips "Trinity Matthews cover of Little Me by Little Mix" she said still giggling to herself, I just nodded as I typed it into the notes section of my phone.

After about another say twenty minutes, a tall girl with brunette hair came over to the two of us "Trin, Sarah has been sick we need to go" she said, Trinity rolled her eyes in my direction "you guys go, I'll make my way home later" she said casually to re assure her friend, after her friend left I grabbed Trinity by the hand and dragged her out of her seat "can we grab a coffee?" I asked, she nodded eagerly as I pulled her from the club.

As I exited I seemed to forget that press would be likely to be here trying to take photos of 'drunk' pop stars, I pulled Trinity through the photographers and into a small Starbucks that was next door to my hotel. "I have a question" she asked, placing her fingers into the palm of my hand that was laid on the table, I nodded. "How come the other three have constantly been papped with hoards of women and spammed my Instagram with various relationships but you've never had one?" she asked, I looked into her eyes and felt something I could just trust, something about her felt easy to talk to, easier than people I had known for years...

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