chapter 2 : A sudden encounter

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After joining my school's basketball team I headed home . Thank goodness that the school is only a few blocks away from my apartment .

On my walk home I noticed a basketball court . I couldn't resist the urge to play , especially since today I only got the chance to talk with my new teammates and getting to know them .

I let out a slight giggle when I remember their characters "they seem really interesting" I mumble to myself before heading towards the court .

Already with a basketball in one hand I took off my cap and placed it next to my bag on the bench .

Thump. Thump . Thump. The sound of the basketball bouncing off the ground echoed . I made a high speed dribble before stopping at the half court line and positioning myself for a 3 pointer . The ball goes in the basket swiftly with a neat swoosh sound causing me to smile .

After playing to my heart's content I placed the basketball in my bag along with my cap and took off my now sweat filled hoodie . I went on my way towards my apartment .

I got home and went straight to my room . I opened my closet and took a change of clothes . I took off my clothes and confining chest binder , and quickly took a shower . I wore my dark grey jeans with a yellow t-shirt with a sports bra underneath .

My stomach started to growl , which makes sense since I didn't eat since noon . So I made my way to the kitchen and realized I had no ingredients to prepare dinner . So I wore a black hoodie and made my way out of the apartment towards the supermarket .

While I was walking I kept on praying that I won't run into someone from my team . I then suddenly heard a group of girls screaming and then I saw a blonde guy running and a ton of girls running after him . Unfortunately for the guy he tripped and then fell on the ground in front of me .
"Umm a-are you alright ?" I said as I kneeled down . He looked up and his yellow eyes met my magenta eyes.

"Y-yeah" he stuttered and then he the stands up .
"Eh your hand " I said , I got out a handkerchief from my pocket then covered his bleeding hand . "There" I said while giving a closed eye smile at the boy .

He stared at his hand for a while then he switched his gaze back to me . He was about to open his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the screams of the girls who were chasing him earlier .

"Please save me !" The unknown boy said desperately . Without any hesitation I grabbed his hand and pulled him and then I entered the closest shop to us .

"Dammit , where did he go ?" One of the girls in the crowd said . "Come on let's go look for him , he couldn't have gone far ." Another girl stated in a rather optimistic manner .

Because it happened so fast I didn't realize what kind of shop I had entered , after looking around for a while I realized we had entered a shop that sold female undergarments .

"Why am I here ? I'm a boy ! I'm not supposed to see those things !!" The boy said nervously with a flushed face .
"I'm so sorry , I didn't see what kind of shop we entered , I just chose it because it was the first one I saw ." I said in an apologetic manner .

"Excuse me , may I help you choose underwear for your girlfriend ?" A lady who seemed to be an employee asked . It took me a moment to realize that she was talking to us , "No thank you we aren't like that ! " I said flustered by what the worker was insinuating .

"Oh okay , but why are you holding hands at a place like this" the female worker said while smiling slyly .
I quickly pulled my hand away from him then the handsome guy looked away hiding his flushed face .

"S-s-sorry ." The boy stuttered . I shake my head and smile and say "it's fine , I was the one who dragged you here ."

Suddenly a bunch of girls entered the shop who seemed to be looking for someone .

"Not them again ! I have to hide" the boy said as he dragged me along with him to a changing room .

Because he stopped so quickly , I lost my balance and leaned against him . In order to obtain his balance he held me . At the time he had high body temperature due to all the running and his eyes were looking at mine with concern . His breathing was uneven and I could feel his well-toned body . The distance between our lips wasn't that much .

'It's okay ! It's okay !' I repeated in my head. 'he probably thinks I'm a boy due to my disguise .' I added .

"Go-gomenasai , the changing room i-is really small for the both of us ." The boy said . "It's okay " I said with a smile .
"But you didn't have to drag me along to hide , you could've just hidden by yourself " I said in a confused manner .
"S-sorry" he smiled sheepishly .

"By the way , why are those girls chasing you ?" I asked curiously .

"Because I'm kise Ryota ." He replied confidently .



"Dakara ? (So ?)" I asked .

"You really haven't heard of me ? I'm a very famous model " he said pridefully .

"Ah ha , sorry I don't really read magazines ." I said rather uninterested .

"Really !? I thought all girls like that stuff ." He said pretty loud making me shush him .

'Wait ! He can tell I'm a girl ?' I thought surprised by his comment , but then I realized that I wasn't wearing my chest binder -.- .

He stared at me before he saying "you don't act like a girl , don't you ?"

"Well I don't know ." I said before letting out a small giggle .

"Umm, well you have beautiful big eyes" said while making eye contact making me blush a little .

"I think they're gone now" I said to kise-kun ."I'll head out and see if the coast is clear ." I added . Kise-kun gave me a nod before letting go of me .

I stuck my head out and saw that there was no one in sight , I nodded at him and got out .

We got out of the store and stood in front of it . "Well that was pretty crazy" I said to kise-kun .
"I know !" He agreed .
"Well I have to go , goodbye kise-kun " I said while waving at him .

Before I walk away he held my hand and said "wait ! I don't know your name ."

"Kurasaki" I replied not bothering to tell him my first name . I mean what were the odds of us meeting up again ? "Well I seriously need to go it's really late , Ja ne kise-kun." I added .

"Hai ! ja ne" he said while waving .


I got inside the apartment after getting what I needed from the supermarket . I went to the kitchen and left the ingredients for my dinner there . And then I made my way to my room . I took off my clothes and changed into my favorite pair of pajamas .

I stare at the mirror looking at my newly cut neck length hair which used to be below my back . I cut it because I needed it to be believable that I was a boy so I could join the school's basketball team .

Buzz. Buzz . I heard my phone's ringtone and saw a message from my mother saying 'Did you meet any interesting people today .'
I smiled before texting her back saying 'Yub , more than I can count !'

Author's note :
The picture is a drawing of Rin and what she was wearing before changing . and like the previous ones it's also made by me ^^

So guys what do you think of the second chapter ?
Sorry if it's too cheesy .
This is actually my first fan fic , first story , first time using wattpad and first time everything ! So please excuse me if you find it kind of horrible .

Comment and vote and thanks for taking the time to read my fan fic .

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