Chapter 6 : Winter cup preliminaries

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After the tournament was suspended due to the rain , we headed back to seirin . Surprisingly , a certain pink haired girl with big breasts was there . She immediately ran towards Kuroko-kun and hugged him . I swear I could hear the guys wishing death for kuroko .

After we settled down . I learned that she's called Momoi and that she's the manager of the the Touou academy's basketball team , which has Aomine Daiki , kiseki no sedai ace . Kuroko-kun handed Momoi-san a can of coffee . Suddenly , the upperclassmen came into the gym soaking wet . 'They must've angered Riko-chan .' I thought as I sweat dropped slightly pitying the boys .

"What happened , Momoi-san ? " Kuroko-kun asked .

"What should I do , Testsu-kun ?" . "I think Aomine-kun hates me ! " she stated as tears were threatening to fall down her face .

'Eh , why would she say something like that ? '

"Aomine-kun didn't participate in the semi-final and final of the Inter-high this year . " she explained .

"That sounds like him ." Said hyuga-senpai as he dried his hair with a towel . "Why not , though ?"

"Injuries , his elbow , mostly ."

Well , if the generation of miracles would have any weakness would be their overabundance of talent .
So , since their bodies aren't fully developed their bodies can't keep up with their talent .

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Momoi-san talk .

"Aomine-kun was reckless when he faced Kise-kun . I asked the coach not to let him play . Aomine-kun was furious , but the coach forced him off the starting lineup halfway through the games . But he just found out ... " she said before her hands started shaking .

So , when they had an argument about her telling their coach about pulling him off the the matches for injuries . He snapped and said he didn't want to see her again . 'Argh , he sounds like an awful guy .'

"Wait a minute . Don't you like kuroko ? Who cares if Aomine doesn't like you ? " kagami said . I sighed at his stupid question , and Momoi started to cry . Kuroko-kun comforted Momoi-san . But she still didn't lose the sad face .

"Maybe I shouldn't have meddled . If he ended up hating me for it I don't know what I'd do ." She muttered . I walked up to her , gently tapped her shoulder and smiled softly . "Daijoubu dayo (it's okay), Momoi-san . I'm sure you did this because you were worried about him . " she looked up at me .

        "A-arigatou (Thanks) , etto.."

        "Ah , Kurasaki Rin , but you can call me Rin ." I said while smiling at her .

Her face turned red for some reason and I could almost see her eyes turning into pink hearts .

"Are you feeling alright ? Your face is red ." I asked her worried .

"Ehh ? Ah , I'm fine ."

"Then Momoi-san , I'll walk you home ." Kuroko-kun offered to the pinkette . They then left together .

According to Riko-chan , Rakuzan won against Touou academy in the finals of the Inter-high . But neither members of the generation of miracles participated .

Time skip >>>

Kagami-kun and I met outside our apartments . "Ohayou gozimasu !(good morning .) ." I chirped .

"Ah , ohayou . " he replied .

"Kagami-kun , are you okay ? Your eyes are scary . "

"Uruse ! (Shut up .) I couldn't get sleep ."

"I see ."

We walked to where we're supposed to meet up with the rest of the team .

After we all gathered we headed towards the place of the match .

In the locker room , "Ready , guys ? I'm going to go over what we're doing in the winter cup again ." Coach Riko exclaimed as she stood next to a white board . "Eight schools are participating in the preliminaries . Two of these schools will earn the right to participate in the Winter cup After today's games , they'll be narrowed down to four schools . Those four will play a league series , and the top two schools will go on to the Winter cup . However , this time the participating schools are the eight schools from the Inter-high preliminaries . "

"So , they're pretty much strong teams , who had successful summers ? " I asked really excited to have strong opponents . Riko-chan nodded in approval .

"Our opponent today is the sixth place team , Josei high school ! Let's win ! "

"Yeah !" We cheered .

After that the guys got ready . I already wore the jersey underneath the jacket with a sweatshirt under the jersey and extremely long shorts I requested .

Just when I wanted to start changing Riko-chan approached me ."Rin-kun , you're not going to play for this game . "

        "Eh ?!! Whyyy ??" I whined .

        "Sorry , but I don't want to reveal your skills just yet ."

"I see " I frowned and got out with the guys .

We went onto the court . I sat on the bench as Hyuga-senpai , Izuki-senpai , Kiyoshi-senpai , Kagami-kun and Kuroko-kun got into position . I learnt that Kiyoshi-senpai was one of the uncrowned kings . He was known as the Iron heart .

"Let the Winter cup preliminary game between Josei high school and Seirin High school begin ! Bow ! "The announcer exclaimed .

"Good luck !"

Suddenly , one of the players shed a tear and he looked pretty upset .

"What's wrong Narumi ?" The captain asked .

I couldn't hear the rest . "She's not sexy at all !" He screamed out of nowhere as he pointed at Riko-chan .         "Give back what you stole from me !!"

I felt a sudden shiver go down my spine when I looked at Riko-chan , who had an evil aura surrounding her .

She made a sign while giving them a closed eye smile , ordering our team to slaughter them .

"Yes , ma'am !" They all replied scared out of their minds , well except for Kuroko-kun .

From then I learnt , NEVER EVER say anything about Riko-chan's chest .

Slight time skip >>

I was trembling in excitement aching to play . At the time of the break of the third quarter , Kagami-kun was angry that he wasn't making any shots and that he was double teamed . It kind of pissed me off so I slapped the back of his head as he sat next to me .

"Oww !! Oi ! What was that for ? " he yelled .

"Are you seriously upset because you're helping the team score by drawing the defense to you ?! At least you're out there in the court !" I shouted completely frustrated .

He seemed to calm down , when the break ended he got up and returned the favor by punching in the stomach . "It-itai ! What was that for ??"

"Huh ?! Uhh , to say thanks ." He said smirking .

"Tch" I muttered .

"Sorry for not letting you play Rin-kun . It's just you're our secret weapon , and I don't want to reveal all of our cards just yet ." Riko-chan said apologetically .

"Ehh ? It's fine , really . I was just eager to play , that's all" I said shaking my hands in front of me .

At the end of the game , Kagami-kun got the ball and easily went through the defense . He dribbled the ball and did a lane-up after jumping really high again . His hands slipped and he fell on his back AGAIN . 'Well , at least he made the shot this time . '

"Again ?!" The guys in the bench coursed .

"He made it this time , though" Koganei-senpai added as if he read my mind .

"With a score of 108 to 61 , Seirin high school wins ! "

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